Little Chief & Co.
littlechiefdog littlechief.dog littlechief.dog | 2021 Business That Gives Back Award Finalist
Jennifer McKenna opened Little Chief & Co. pet store with her husband Michael three years ago in downtown St. Catharines. Having the store downtown was their dream location and they are passionate about being part of the downtown revitalization process. Jennifer has enthusiastically rolled up her sleeves as she continues efforts to build and beautify the downtown core.
Little Chief &Co. was the first Living Wage Pet Retailer in Canada. In these times, the benefits of raising workers’ wages to ensure their economic security has never been clearer or more urgent.
The owners of Little Chief & Co. both advocate for and donate to the Kristen French Advocacy Centre; $5 from every piece of Little Chief & Co. human clothing purchased is donated to the organization. The work done through the Kristen French Advocacy Centre is near and dear to their hearts, as Jennifer was a schoolmate and shared the same rowing crew as Kristen. They will forever advocate for her and the incredible work being done in her name.