Kristen Marischuk
Social Worker & Owner, Counselling by Kristen | 2021 Community Impact Award Finalist
Kristen has been working in the field of social work since obtaining her Bachelor’s degree from Niagara University in 2005. Her initial draw to become a social worker came from personal experience – after being adopted as an infant, she learned that individuals, families and children all need support from time to time.
Since opening her practice in December 2020, Kristen has supported individuals going through periods of distress, trauma or managing their mental health. To further enhance her skills, in 2021 Kristen became a Certified Trauma and Resilience Practitioner through Starr Commonwealth and has expanded her practice to help those struggling with past trauma.
Kristin believes that mentorship is a strong component of creating a community filled with pride. She’s had the opportunity to provide mentorship to undergraduate students in the field of social work over the past 16 years, and she says she has learned as much about herself and her practice from her students as much as the students have learned from her.