Alissa van Overbeeke
Operations Manager, ASI Group Ltd. | 2021 Science & Technology Award Finalist
al.vanoverbeeke | alvanoverbeeke
Alissa has been with ASI Group Ltd. for almost 15 years. Hired part-time as a university student, she joined the team full time after completing her degree as a remote-operated vehicle (ROV) Pilot and Engineer in Training. After nearly 10 years of field work, she was promoted to Maintenance Manager was subsequently named the Operations Manager for ASI Group’s four offices.
During her time as a field technician, she designed, developed, fabricated, and integrated new technology to conduct remote underwater inspections of critical infrastructure worldwide. Alissa has played key roles in hundreds of inspection projects from project inception to delivering her client their final report.
Being a woman in engineering is a challenge. She graduated as only one of 13 women out of a class of over 150 students. As she ventured into the marine industry, the representation of women was even less. Alissa says it hasn’t deterred her, as she has fought for the education and the knowledge she has gleaned, knowing that she is excelling within her field.