Mandatory Masking in Niagara

Niagara Region

Niagara Region passed a by-law requiring face masks to be worn in indoor public spaces and on public transit. The by-law comes into effect on July 31, 2020. The bylaw will cover all Niagara municipalities, effectively overriding previous bylaws which were approved in St. Catharines and Niagara-on-the-Lake mandating masks. The by-law will remain in place until Oct. 1 unless extended by Regional Council.

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Niagara-on-the-Lake has passed a mandatory face mask bylaw, becoming the second Niagara municipality to do so after St. Catharines. The bylaw is modeled on the one passed by St. Catharines, which is in force as of July 17. The Niagara-on-the-Lake bylaw will take effect on July 23. Enforcement will focus on education and voluntary compliance. Sample policies, guidance documents and signs are not yet available, but will likely be very similar to those available in St. Catharines.

St. Catharines

The City of St. Catharines has passed a bylaw that mandates the wearing of face masks in public, indoor spaces, including businesses, with only a few exemptions. This bylaw will take effect on Friday, July 17th. Businesses will be required to post a sign at all public entrances to their premises advising the public of this policy, to have their employees wear masks unless behind physical barriers or in areas not accessible to the public, to have a mask policy that can be made available to a bylaw enforcement officer upon request, and to train all staff in this policy.

In partnership with the City of St. Catharines, we are able to provide:

  1. An operator implementation guide which details the law, the requirements, and the exemptions, available here [PDF]
  2. A template policy which you can use for your business, available here [PDF]; and
  3. A printable sign [PDF] [PNG] [JPG] which you can place at the entrance to your premises, or use as the basis for your own design.

The GNCC is committed to assisting you and your business through every aspect of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. If you have any questions about this bylaw, or if there is any other way in which the GNCC can help you navigate this challenging time, please do not hesitate to reach out.


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Partnerships lead the way this summer at the FirstOntario PAC

Community is at the heart of everything we do at the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre. Though unable able to gather in our beautiful venues, we are proud to share upcoming virtual collaborations with many of the local social service and arts organizations that are championing a brighter collective future for Niagara.

Thursday’s #NiagaraPerforms will continue to feature the work of community organizations and kicks off tonight, Thursday 23 July at 7pm, with a special performance and conversation presented by Brock University’s Student Justice Centre and Human Rights and Equity.

“This is a time of flux in our community and we are determined to find ways to be in conversation with one another, to ask ourselves and each other how to be good neighbours, good allies and good citizens,” says Annie Wilson, Programming Supervisor.

The FirstOntario PAC is proud to partner with Matter of Black, BlackOwned905 and other local community leaders and organizations on a virtual edition of #EmancipationDaySTC Celebrations that is intended to bring back a piece of history that once celebrated Black culture and united St. Catharines and beyond. The program will begin on Thursday 30 July with Local Reflections on Racism Speakers Series, presented as part of a long-term partnership commitment between the PAC and the Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre and Niagara Region Anti-Racism Association.

“The FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre is committed to amplifying and supporting the work of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour artists, businesses and organizations through action. We are committed to prioritizing the eradication of racism with specific actions through partnerships like this, that promote inclusivity, equity, accessibility and that foster and celebrate diversity,” says Colleen Smith, Executive Director of the FirstOntario PAC.

The full #EmancipationDaySTC weekend includes a robust program of speakers, films and performances and will feature a virtual market of Black owned businesses.

As part of the #EmancipationDaySTC programs, the PAC has partnered with Brock University to present It Takes a Riot: Race, Rebellion, Reform, a short documentary that marks the 25th anniversary of the Yonge Street Uprising. The film will be screened virtually on Friday 31 July at 7pm with a post-screening Q&A to follow featuring Dr. Simon Black, Assistant Professor of Labour Studies at Brock University and film co-producer, Idil Abdillahi, film co-producer and Assistant Professor of Social Work at Ryerson University, Dr. Dolana Mogadime, Professor of Education, Brock University, Lennox Farrell, retired teacher and founding member of Black Action Defense Committee, Dr. Jean B. Ntakirutimana, Linguist and Language professor at Brock University, and founding member of the Brock African Heritage Recognition Committee and Dr. Gervan Fearon, President and Vice-Chancellor Brock University. The Q&A will be moderated by Kattawe Henry, Human Rights and Anti-Racism Advisor, Brock University and Brock alumnus.

The Emancipation Day celebration caps off Sunday 2 August at 7pm with a live streamed performance by the legendary local masters of funk/soul/Motown Leroy Emmanuel and the LMT Connection from Partridge Hall as part of #NiagaraPerforms.

The full #EmancipationDaySTC programming will be released on Tuesday 28 July and can be found at

Upcoming #NiagaraPerforms community partnerships includes:

Thursday 23 July, 7pm – Brock University’s Student Justice, Human Rights and Equity 
Join us for a collaborative evening of music, poetry and stimulating discussion featuring local performers J-Marsh, Jasmine Whyte and D’Scribe and an after-show panel with the artists facilitated by author and HRE’s own Intercultural Communications Coordinator Trecia McLennon. This event explores the connections between art, activism, race, gender, sexuality and the importance of performance in expression, liberation, and social transformation.

Thursday 30 July, 7pm – Local Reflections on Racism
An Online Interactive Speaker Series with Small Group Discussions – keeping up the momentum for racial justice and inclusion in St. Catharines.

Speaker Mutsa Charamba from Positive Living Niagara and co-organizer of Emancipation Day Celebrations discusses Social Determinants of Health within the Black Community with breakout groups facilitated by Josefina Perez, Amber Tallman, Edmund Frye, Marcel Stewart + Colleen McTigue and Jillien Hone. Performances for community during breakout groups shared by Shannon Kitchings, Eve Atom. In partnership with Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre, Niagara Region Anti-Racism Association and Positive Living Niagara. Presented as part of the #EmancipationDaySTC activities.

Thursday 6 August, 7pm – LVW Creative Barracks’ interactive craft experience for families 
Lacie Williamson is a multi-disciplinary artist and arts educator who owns and operates LVW Creative Barracks, an art studio and gallery created as “a home for all creatives.”

Thursday 13 August, 7pm – Niagara Conservatory of Music
The young students of the Niagara Conservatory of Music showcase their continued hard work while being separated from their teachers and peers, finding new ways to bring joy into their lives through music.

Thursday 20 August, 7pm – Earth Song Teachings
Edgar and Karl from the Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre cultural team present a family friendly evening of fun and learning about the rich history of the social songs of the Haudenosaunee.

Thursday 27 August, 7pm – Local Reflections on Racism
The continuation of the Online Interactive Speaker Series with Small Group Discussions – keeping up the momentum for racial justice and inclusion in St. Catharines presented in partnership with Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre, Niagara Region Anti-Racism Association.

The FirstOntario PAC’s #NiagaraPerforms online series features live concerts from Niagara musicians every Sunday at 7pm and content from community partners every Thursday at 7pm. Live and interactive performances will be available for viewing through the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre’s website, Facebook page and YouTube channel. The performances will also be rebroadcasted on Cogeco’s YourTV Niagara.

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COVID-19 Business Update: July 23rd, 2020

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • The Government of Ontario’s survey on the economic impacts of COVID-19 will be open until August 31st. We encourage all businesses to complete the survey; an accurate picture of how COVID-19 is affecting Ontario’s businesses will help the government form policy tools that will better assist those businesses in their recovery.
  • Niagara enters Stage 3 of the provincial re-opening framework tomorrow. The Government of Ontario wants to hear from businesses that either cannot open in Stage 3 or are having difficulty in re-opening. If your business falls into either category, please fill out this form and let the government know. Remember that no business is obliged to open; if you cannot do so safely, you are under no legal requirement to re-open. Remote work is still encouraged wherever possible in Stage 3, and even with the re-opening, the Government of Ontario asks that all people able to work from home continue to do so.
  • The Ontario government is providing the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) with $110,000 from the Ontario Together Fund to deliver online tools and resources that will support Indigenous businesses as the province implements its made-in-Ontario plan for renewal, growth, and economic recovery. The funding provided through the Ontario Together Fund will help the CCAB:
    • Enhance CCAB’s online resource platform, Tools and Financing for Aboriginal Businesses, that provides practical guides, training, networks, and a forum to connect and share best practices.
    • Assist Indigenous businesses navigate various COVID-19 programs, services and procurement opportunities available through webinars and web-based assistance.
    • Produce a data-driven report to assess the effects of COVID-19 within the Indigenous business community.

Reading recommendations:

If you are showing symptoms, you must self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days. Call a public health authority immediately. Do not visit any healthcare provider in person before you have been directly advised to by public health authorities.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, use a face mask. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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Local radio stations 91.7 GIANT FM and COUNTRY 89 announce Job Creation Stimulus Plan

Wellport Broadcasting has announced a Job Creation Stimulus Plan offering local businesses the opportunity to apply for employee recruitment advertising grants.

Through this program, local radio stations GIANT FM and COUNTRY 89 will provide over $50,000 in advertising grants to local businesses within Niagara. The $1,000 grants will consist of 30 second messages promoting local employment opportunities, along with station website job bank platforms for job seekers. The job creation stimulus grants are available to any business in Niagara looking to hire.  Wellport Broadcasting believes the Job Creation Stimulus Plan will help Niagara get back to work and stimulate the local economy.

With CERB benefits coming to an end and the Government extending the wage subsidy program for business, now is the time.   Wellport Broadcasting General Manager Mike Haberer says “The people of Niagara have done an incredible job of crushing the curve.  As we now navigate stage 3 openings, the GIANT FM and COUNTRY 89 Job Creation Stimulus Plan can help the region and economy move forward with $50,000 in local business recruitment advertising grants”.

Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.  Niagara businesses looking to apply can do so now at and


For more information, contact:
Mike Haberer
General Manager
Wellport Broadcasting (91.7 GIANT FM / COUNTRY 89)
Tel:  905-732-4433

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COVID-19 Business Update: July 22nd, 2020

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • Yesterday, MPs in the House of Commons passed Bill C-20, including the improved CEWS discussed yesterday, which was announced on Friday last week. The Senate must now study the bill before it can be implemented.
  • The Government of Ontario has clarified that when restaurants re-open on Friday, there will be no restrictions as to the occupancy other than that required to implement physical distancing. Public health officials suggest that patrons be seated at all times unless entering, exiting, travelling to and from the washroom, or paying, and that restaurants maintain a client log with a name and contact information for one person, minimum, in each party along with the date, check in and check out times, and table number, and be prepared to provide this to public health officials upon request for the purposes of contact tracing. Contact tracing is the key to containing the outbreak, preventing a new wave of infection and a return to a more restrictive lockdown. Businesses should consider refusing service to those who will not provide their contact information.
  • BCD has released an economic outlook (PDF link) examining the broad economic picture in Canada and the United States. Key highlights include:
    • COVID-19 precipitated the sharpest economic slowdown on record, with a drop in GDP of 11.6% since February posted only two months later.
    • The economic impact has not been evenly distributed. Accommodation and food service businesses have lost an average of 63.7% in GDP since February, while finance and insurance has only lost 1.6%. The average was 18.2%. No industry recorded any GDP gain in that time period.
    • The economic recovery is already underway, with unemployment significantly down and employment up from the worst of the crisis. That being said, there is still a long way to go.
    • Ontario suffered the sharpest downturn, with a greater percentage of lost jobs and GDP than the country as a whole.
    • Food products and chemical manufacturing are predicted to make the fastest recovery. The end of lockdowns also saw a resurgence in construction activity and manufacturing employment.

Reading recommendations:

If you are showing symptoms, you must self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days. Call a public health authority immediately. Do not visit any healthcare provider in person before you have been directly advised to by public health authorities.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, use a face mask. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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New online screening tool available for patients and visitors

Niagara Health is releasing an online screening tool that patients and visitors can fill out before coming to its sites, beginning Tuesday, July 21. Filling out this form is the quickest and most efficient way to enter the building. 

Patients coming for appointments, as well as visitors coming during designated visiting times, are encouraged to fill out the form before coming to Niagara Health. Instructions will be provided upon completion of the form. If instructed to proceed, patients and visitors must have these results accessible to show to a screener upon entry. 

The form is available on the Niagara Health website, or can be accessed by typing into a web browser. 

It is important that those filling out the form correctly identify themselves as a patient or visitor in order to receive appropriate instructions upon completion of the form. 

Please note that visitor restrictions remain in place at this time, as well as a number of infection prevention and control measures. The latest updates are available at 

Media contact:
Lauren Rogers, Communications Assistant
905-378-4647, ext. 

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The Big Move Cancer Ride pedals on during the pandemic to support local cancer care

The Niagara Health Foundation’s 12th annual Big Move Cancer Ride will be back in 2020, albeit with a new approach. The long-time Niagara event that has raised over $3,700,000 in 11 years will shift to a “ride from home, ride your own way” format due to the current realities of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Supporting local cancer care is always a high-priority for the Foundation, but this year it has taken on a greater sense of urgency. Several community events supporting the Cancer Centre were forced to cancel or postpone due to the pandemic, which is why we are even more committed to continuing The Big Move Cancer Ride in 2020. Cancer care doesn’t take a break during a pandemic,” said Chris Green, Director of Communication, Marketing and Community Engagement with the Niagara Health Foundation.

The Big Move Cancer Ride will pivot from having riders complete their routes all on the same date. Riders will now have 14 days to complete their routes, starting September 1 and ending September 13. Riders will be able to make their own routes or use routes that the planning committee will provide. “The beauty of operating our ‘from home ride’ is that now anyone that owns a bike can participate in The Big Move. If you want to ride a few kilometres a day with your family or friends, or if you want to push yourself and see if you can complete 25, 50, 75 or 100km+, you can make it work for yourself,” commented Green.

Riders will once again be asked to seek donations for their efforts, all in support of local cancer care at the Walker Family Cancer Centre at Niagara Health. Riders who raise $500 or more will receive the official 2020 Big Move Cancer Ride cycle jersey once again. In addition, the popular “Family Ride” from 2019 will return for 2020. It will allow riders of all ages to participate and show cancer patients in Niagara that they are riding for them. Participants in the Family Ride will receive Big Move Cancer Ride t-shirts.

During the 2020 event, there will be a few new offerings for riders of all ages. Each registered rider will receive an official, (non-medical) Big Move Cancer Ride cloth mask and be eligible to win several prizes leading up to and during the event.

100% of the proceeds from the Big Move Cancer Ride stay in Niagara to support local cancer care provided at the Walker Family Cancer Centre at Niagara Health. Donations for the 2020 Big Move will support equipment and upgrades to the safe and effective delivery of Chemotherapy to patients.

“As we ‘gear up’ for Big Move 2020, we have experienced COVID and we are very pleased that Cancer Care at the Walker Family Cancer Centre at Niagara Health has continued to serve all of those who need care. To be able to do this, safely we very quickly introduced new ways of doing things. These include using virtual visits and in some cases altered treatment schedules and care plans. We are in implementing new approaches so that we can continue to accommodate the growth in cancer care services, and to do it safely in an ongoing COVID environment.” said Dr. Janice Giesbrecht, Director of Oncology – Walker Family Cancer Centre.

About Niagara Health Foundation

Niagara Health Foundation raises funds to support Niagara Health for the advancement of healthcare in Niagara.

Supporting Niagara Health in its mission, Niagara Health Foundation raises funds for priority equipment needs, redevelopment projects and patient programs at Niagara Health’s five sites, located in Welland, Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Port Colborne, and Fort Erie.

For more information, visit

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Kids Virtual Ultimate Challenge raises close to $60,000 in support of the Children’s Health Unit

Nearly 200 children aged 4-12 took part in the Niagara Health Foundation’s 8th annual Kids Ultimate Challenge. The Foundation pivoted its annual in-person “tough mudder” style event from Burgoyne Woods in St. Catharines to an entirely online and virtual offering due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Between June 12 and June 21, challengers completed over 20 tasks, assignments and challenges. The challenges were categorized as physical, mental, creative, and kindness, and were distributed to the challengers in waves. Once complete, many of the families proudly shared photos, videos and stories of their challenger(s) on the event’s social platforms.

Participants were provided with an official t-shirt, printable name bib, pre-event warm-up videos, nutrition tips, instructional videos, a tracking sheet and a commemorative medal for their tremendous efforts. During the Kids Virtual Ultimate Challenge, participants were encouraged to seek donations for their efforts in support of the Children’s Health Unit of Niagara Health. It was a great example of ‘kids helping kids’.

The nearly 200 challengers raised over $20,000 in online donations, with the top fundraising individuals raising $1,810 each (Hagen and Easton White). Challengers were also able to join “fundraising teams” with their friends. The “Mud Ninjas” (paying tribute to the famous Mud Swing that is a fan favourite of the inperson event) raised $5,010 while the “PenFi Kids” (PenFinancial) raised an impressive $4,420.

The children’s fundraising efforts were supported by seven (7) key corporate partners; Walker Industries, Alectra Utilities, PenFinancial Credit Union, Precise ParkLink, Ontario Power Generation, Niagara Region Police Association and DJB Chartered Professional Accounts. The event was also supported by several generous partners who donated incredible prizes toward our challenger prize draw packages.

The proceeds from the Kids Virtual Ultimate Challenge went to support the purchase of Transcutaneous Monitors for the Children’s Health Unit of Niagara Health. The monitors are used as a non-invasive tool to measure a patient’s blood gas diffusion through the skin. The monitors are especially crucial in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for newborns who require continuous monitoring of their oxygen and carbon dioxide status.

“We are so proud of the children and families that took on this year’s challenge. Our team worked tirelessly to pivot our event and create an experience that was challenging, engaging, digital and fun. It’s our plan to return to Burgoyne Woods for the event next year, but it was great to see how the community embraced the change and help support the Children’s Health Unit during the pandemic.” – Chris Green, Director of Communications, Marketing & Community Engagement, Niagara Health Foundation.

About Niagara Health Foundation

Niagara Health Foundation raises funds to support Niagara Health for the advancement of healthcare in Niagara

Supporting Niagara Health in its mission, Niagara Health Foundation raises funds for priority equipment needs, redevelopment projects and patient programs at Niagara Health’s five sites, located in Welland, Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Port Colborne, and Fort Erie.

For more information, visit

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Jessica Friesen named a 2020 Star Women in Convenience Winner

Jessica Friesen, CEO of Gales Gas Bars/Bob’s Fast & Fresh Convenience was named a winner of the 2020 Star Women in Convenience by Canada Convenience Store News.

“We are one of the last truly independent brands of petroleum in Canada,” says Friesen. “We are wholly family owned. We fly our own flag.” Friesen joined the company 11 years ago after working as a registered nurse. “I like a challenge,” she says. “I really enjoy being in the family business. It’s succeed or fail, and you do both from time to time.” One pillar on which Gales is founded and continues to operate is community support. “We take pride in giving back,” says Friesen. “That resonates with customers. They appreciate that we are invested.”

To read more, and to see the entire list, please visit:

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