COVID-19 Business Update: October 13th, 2020

Applications for the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) are now open. The program offers income support to employed and self-employed individuals who are directly affected by COVID-19.
Information on government grants, resources, and programs, as well as policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • Applications for the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) are now open. The program offers income support to employed and self-employed individuals who are directly affected by COVID-19 and are not entitled to Employment Insurance (EI) benefits. Beneficiaries of the program can receive $1,000 before taxes for a two-week period, and can apply for up to 13 periods (26 weeks). 240,640 Canadians have already applied for the program. Get more details or apply here.
  • To provide relief for local restaurants and other businesses impacted by the new public health measures, the Government of Ontario has announced $300 million to help offset fixed costs, including property taxes, hydro and natural gas bills. Last week, the province introduced additional targeted public health measures in Toronto, Ottawa and Peel Region in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts to help slow the spread of the virus. Over the next 28 days, indoor food and drink service at restaurants, bars and other food and drink establishments in these regions will be prohibited, but they may continue to offer takeout, delivery and outdoor dining. The government is also supporting small business through its Main Street Recovery Plan by:
    • Committing to permanently allow licensed restaurants and bars to include alcohol with food as part of a takeout or delivery order before the existing regulation expires;
    • Permanently allowing 24/7 deliveries to restaurants;
    • Supporting the distribution of local food and food products by increasing the range of products sold at the Ontario Food Terminal;
    • Providing $57 million with federal partners through the Digital Main Street program and creating new Digital Main Street squads to help small businesses grow online; and
    • Launching a new portal to assist small businesses to quickly find the supports and information they need.
  • The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has launched a new customizable tool kit resource to help workplaces across Canada operate safely and prevent the spread of infection during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anchored by the COVID-19: Workplace Health and Safety Guide, the online hub provides one-stop access to more than 40 free resources to reduce the spread and protect everyone in the workplace. The guide includes information on the responsibilities of employers and workers, and what workplaces should do to control risks. Topics covered include how the coronavirus spreads, employers’ duties, handling work refusals, hazard and risk assessment identification for COVID-19, and how to control the risk and apply the hierarchy of controls in the workplace. Workplaces can download the guide on its own or bundle other industry and workplace-specific tip sheets, infographics, and posters to create a customized and comprehensive COVID-19 tool kit tailored to their industry or specific workplace needs. The COVID-19 tool kit of health and safety resources can be found on the CCOHS website:
  • Customers eligible for the Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER) will automatically receive a 33.2% reduction off their energy bill when new electricity rates for Regulated Price Plan (RPP) customers come into effect November 1, 2020. At the same time, customers paying Time-of-Use (TOU) rates under the RPP will also have the option to switch to tiered rate pricing. Time-of-use electricity rates vary by time of day and are comprised of three different rate periods of off-peak, mid-peak and on-peak pricing. Tiered electricity rates provide customers with a set rate for electricity up to a certain level of consumption. Ontario is also introducing a new streamlined Energy Affordability Program (EAP) for households struggling to pay their electricity bills. Beginning the week of January 4, 2021, EAP will:
    • Provide free electricity saving measures to help participating households manage their electricity-use and lower their electricity costs by up to $1,000 per year;
    • Tailor energy-efficiency upgrades based on household income, home heating system, location, and an energy needs assessment; and,
    • Simplify access to new and updated electricity saving measures through a single program that replaces the Affordability Fund Trust and Home Assistance Program, which are ending in 2020.
  • The City of St. Catharines is looking to residents for their input on its next Accessibility Plan. Specifically, the City is inviting residents to weigh in via an online survey that will help guide the development of the 2021-2025 Accessibility Plan, the document that will act as roadmap for continuing accessibility efforts. The City remains committed to developing, implementing, maintaining, and enhancing accessibility by providing integrated services and equitable opportunities while reflecting the principles of dignity and independence. Residents can visit and complete the survey to provide their input before 4 p.m. on Oct. 30.
  • Changes to waste collection in Niagara will begin October 19th. Collection services inside designated business areas may be different between local municipalities, depending on the level of service selected and paid for by each municipality. Find your collection services. Businesses outside a designated business area will now have garbage collection every-other-week with a limit of eight containers. Blue & Grey Boxes and Green Bins will continue to be collected every week. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional properties located outside designated business areas will have a combined limit of eight Blue and Grey Carts and a limit of eight Green Carts.

Reading recommendations:

  • COVID-19 is changing the way men and women split the risk in the workplace, Evan Dyer, CBC News
    • Service-oriented trades that tend to employ a lot of women — such as health care, education and retail — also involve a lot of interaction with the public. That means a heightened risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. That heightened risk may be showing up in the caseload statistics now.
  • This game can stop people from falling for COVID-19 conspiracies, Ruth Reader, Fast Company
    • Members of Cambridge’s Social Decision Making Lab are hoping to reform conspiracy theory believers in the same way that PETA turns meat eaters into vegetarians: by showing them what goes into creating and spreading misinformation.


Niagara Economic Summit Series 2020

Where are we now, how did we get here, and where do we go? This year’s summit, taking place between November 10 and November 24, brings experts and leaders together from across the country to identify where we are economically, what our future opportunities are, and how we can seize them. Find out more and get a calendar save-the-date here.

 If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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COVID-19 Business Update: October 9th, 2020

Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland announced the government’s intention to introduce targeted supports to help hard-hit businesses & organizations.
Information on government grants, resources, and programs, as well as policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • The Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, today announced the government’s intention to introduce new, targeted supports to help hard-hit businesses and other organizations experiencing a drop in revenue. The government plans to introduce legislation to provide support that would help these businesses safely get through the second wave of the virus and the winter, cover costs so they can continue to serve their communities, and be positioned for a strong recovery, including:
    • The new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, which will be provided directly to tenants while also providing support to property owners. Businesses, charities, and non-profits that have suffered a revenue drop will have a percentage of their expenses subsidized, on a sliding scale, up to a maximum of 65 per cent until December 19, 2020. Organizations would be able to make claims retroactively for the period that began September 27 and ends October 24, 2020.
    • A top-up Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy of 25 per cent for organizations temporarily shut down by a mandatory public health order issued by a qualifying public health authority, in addition to the 65 per cent subsidy.
    • The extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy until June 2021. The subsidy would remain at the current subsidy rate of up to a maximum of 65 per cent of eligible wages until December 19, 2020.
    • An expanded Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA), which would enable businesses, and not-for-profits eligible for CEBA loans—and that continue to be seriously impacted by the pandemic—to access an interest-free loan of up to $20,000, in addition to the original CEBA loan of $40,000. Half of this additional financing would be forgivable if repaid by December 31, 2022. Additionally, the application deadline for CEBA is being extended to December 31, 2020. Further details, including the launch date and application process will be announced in the coming days. An attestation of the impact of COVID-19 on the business will be required to access the additional financing.
  • Today’s Labour Force Survey release has revealed that the unemployment rate declined for the fourth consecutive month in September, falling 1.2 percentage points to 9.0%. Employment rose by 378,000 (+2.1%), bringing employment to within 720,000 (-3.7%) of its pre-COVID February level. Most of the employment increase in September was in full-time work, which rose by 334,000 (+2.1%), building on gains of 206,000 (+1.4%) in August. The number of Canadians who were employed but worked less than half their usual hours for reasons likely related to COVID-19 fell by 108,000 (-7.1%) in September. Among Canadians who worked most of their usual hours, the proportion working from home edged down from August to September, from 26.4% to 25.6%. Employment increased in every province except New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in September, with the largest gains in Ontario and Quebec. Self-employment was little changed in September. Compared with February, self-employment was down 6.0%, while the number of employees was within 3.3% of its pre-pandemic level.
  • Employment growth was strong for young women (+62,000 or +5.7%) and men (+66,000 or +6.0%) aged 15 to 24 in September. Despite these increases, employment for Canadian youth remained 10% below February levels, much further behind the recovery in the other major demographic groups. There were 1.8 million unemployed Canadians in September, down 214,000 (-10.5%) from August and continuing the four-month downward trend from the record-high 2.6 million unemployed people in May. The majority of unemployed people (approximately 1.5 million) were looking for work. The number of people who wanted to work but did not search for a job (580,000) has been trending downward since peaking at 1.5 million in April.
  • In services, monthly gains were led by accommodation and food services (+72,000), educational services (+68,000) as well as information, culture and recreation (+56,000). In the goods sector, employment gains were largest in manufacturing (+68,000). Employment was 3.6% below its pre-COVID February level in the services sector, and 4.3% below in the goods-producing sector. Compared with February, total employment was down 720,000 (-3.7%), with three-quarters of this decline coming from four industries: accommodation and food services, retail trade, construction, and transportation and warehousing. While some industries face a long recovery to pre-COVID employment levels, some sectors, including manufacturing, have almost fully recovered.
  • Locally, unemployment fell from 23,600 (11.3%) in August to 18,400 (8.8%) in September, while an additional 700 people had joined the labour force (i.e. were either working or actively seeking work). September’s data show that Niagara is trending in the right direction, but there is more going on under the surface than meets the eye. Month-over-month data show that 5,900 additional Niagara residents were working in September 2020 compared to August 2020. Among these employment gains, 69.5% were among men and 30.5% were among women. About 86.4% of local employment gains were in part-time positions. Niagara residents working in the accommodation and food service sector saw the most employment gains of any sector in September’s data. These gains amounted to an additional 2,800 Niagara residents reporting employment in accommodations and food service. This is the third month of consecutive employment gains in accommodation and food service.
  • Despite the positive employment trends, Niagara would have needed to add an additional 11,300 people to the employment count to match our September 2019 employment level. To draw level to where we were in February (i.e. the last month before the pandemic) Niagara would have needed to add an additional 7,400 people to the employment count. These data were provided by Niagara Workforce Planning Board, whose in-depth report on the monthly labour market statistics will be available on Tuesday.
  • Beginning at midnight, Ottawa, Peel, and Toronto will go into modified Stage 2 restrictions for a period of at least 28 days. In those regions only, indoor dining, gyms, cinemas, casinos, performing arts and racing venues will be closed. Schools and places of worship will remain open. Capacity limits will be reduced to 10 people indoors for tours, real estate open houses and meeting and event spaces. Physical distancing must be maintained. Wedding receptions are temporarily suspended from 12:01 a.m. Tuesday. The Government of Ontario is asking people in those areas to leave their homes only for essential purposes and to avoid travelling to other regions in the province. These restrictions are not extended to Niagara and other regions of Ontario. Nevertheless, the GNCC advises Niagara businesses to make contingency plans in the case of a more general extension of Stage 2 measures. With both new daily cases and the 7-day average caseload now at record highs in the province, unless the rate of infection begins to fall, the Government of Ontario may have no alternative but to move towards a more general restriction of activity.
  • Public health officials are urging Canadians to be extra-vigilant this Thanksgiving weekend as new COVID-19 modelling shows the growth of caseloads continuing to accelerate across the country. Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam said there were 2,400 new cases recorded across the country on Thursday – the highest one-day increase in reported cases since the start of the pandemic. She said that Canadians must limit their contacts and deny the virus opportunities to spread.

Reading recommendations:


Niagara Economic Summit Series 2020

Where are we now, how did we get here, and where do we go? This year’s summit, taking place between November 10 and November 24, brings experts and leaders together from across the country to identify where we are economically, what our future opportunities are, and how we can seize them. Find out more and get a calendar save-the-date here.

 If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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COVID-19 Business Update: October 8th, 2020

Ontario is investing $9 million through the new Reconnect Festival and Event Program to support municipalities and event organizers during COVID-19.
Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • Ontario is investing $9 million through the new Reconnect Festival and Event Program to support municipalities and event organizers during COVID-19. This funding will be used to maintain public safety requirements and allow people to reconnect with their communities through online, drive-through and other innovative experiences. Organizers will be developing creative programs such as virtual Remembrance Day events, reverse holiday parades with drive-by static floats, drive-in music concerts and movies, holiday tree lightings and New Year’s Eve displays that light-up iconic buildings. Funding may be used for eligible expenses such as programming and production, promotion, mobile applications and website development, and implementation of health and safety measures. Applications open today and will remain open until December 1st. Find out if your organization is eligible for funding and apply here.
  • Statistics Canada has launched the Canadian Centre for Energy Information (CCEI) website, which will provide a modernized, independent, energy information system by giving Canadians access to timely data on the use of energy. As the CCEI expands its content over time, the website will:
    • Serve as a single point of access for all energy-related information and data, such as production, consumption, international trade and much more;
    • Compile, reconcile and integrate energy data from various Canadian sources;
    • Make data from multiple providers available free of charge;
    • Harmonize energy definitions, measurements and standards;
    • Improve the completeness, coherence and timeliness of Canada’s energy information;
    • Provide new data products, visualization tools and expert analyses; and
    • Support analysis, modelling and forecasting in the academic and research community.
  • The Parliamentary Budget Office has reported that the carbon tax will have to be increased if Canada is to meet targets that the country had agreed to under the Paris climate accord. The tax will rise to $50 per tonne of emissions by 2022, but the budget officer has reported that, if applied to all industries, that figure must increase to $117 per tonne by 2030. If large industrial emitters are capped at $50 per tonne, then the levy on households, small businesses, and other sectors of the economy would increase to $289 per tonne in 2030.

Reading recommendations:

 If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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Small Business Month Workshop 1: Going Digital

It has never been more important for businesses to have a solid presence on the internet. Are you there yet?

Join Giant Shoe Creative for our first Small Business Month webinar, presented by Meridian and supported by MNP.

Guest speakers:

  • Brad Moore, CEO, Giant Shoe Creative
  • Rachel Dedinsky, Marketing & Digital Media Strategist, Giant Shoe Creative


Marketing 101

Small business owners are passionate about what they do and bring to their community. With so many moving parts to starting and growing a company, marketing often falls off of the never-ending to-do list, even when it can be integral to the success of a business. The team at Giant Shoe Creative Agency will explore best marketing practices such as identifying your target market, cohesive branding and positioning that can truly elevate your business.

Social Media

The digital space has never been more essential to tap into for business owners. They are learning how to pivot and adapt their brands in the online space, and social media marketing is at the forefront of this movement. The team at Giant Shoe Creative Agency will explore the fundamentals of social media marketing, identifying best practices on areas such as positioning, engagement, branding and storytelling.


Accessibility, convenience and a decrease in the average attention span are moving to the forefront of approaching “the digital consumer”. With the barriers that society is currently presenting small businesses with, customers crave ease of mind and comfort – two factors that e-commerce brings to the table. With these elements in mind, e-commerce continues to be one of the most important moves a brand can make in the digital space. The team at Giant Shoe Creative Agency will explore the essentials of making the leap into e-commerce and best practices to integrate e-commerce into different facets of your business.

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COVID-19 Business Update: October 7th, 2020

Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and Bill Walker, Associate Minister of Energy, joined representatives from Enbridge and Walker Industries in Niagara Falls today to formally announce the Niagara Falls Renewable Natural Gas plant.

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and Bill Walker, Associate Minister of Energy, joined representatives from Enbridge and Walker Industries in Niagara Falls today to formally announce the Niagara Falls Renewable Natural Gas plant, which will be the largest of its kind in Ontario and will generate enough clean renewable energy from landfill waste to heat 8,750 homes across the country and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 48,000 tonnes. The innovative Niagara facility will transform landfill waste into clean energy. This is achieved by capturing biogas generated by decomposing organic waste and transforming it into renewable natural gas.
  • Today, Prabmeet Sarkaria, Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction, announced Ontario’s Main Street Recovery Plan and intends to introduce the Main Street Recovery Act, 2020, proposed legislation that would support small businesses and modernize rules to allow them to innovate and meet the challenges of today. If passed, the act will remove hurdles faced by small businesses and allow them to pursue new opportunities — while maintaining or enhancing protections for public health, safety and the environment.

    The plan includes:

    • A one-time grant of up to $1,000 for eligible main street small businesses — in retail, food and accommodations, and other service sectors — with two to nine employees to help offset the unexpected costs of personal protective equipment (PPE);
    • Ontario’s Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Network, which links 47 Small Business Enterprise Centres across the province as places where small businesses can access tailored advice and information on local, provincial and federal programs;
    • Digital Main Street Squads to help small businesses grow online;
    • Mental health supports for families, frontline workers, young people, children, and Indigenous communities;
    • Ontario’s Small Business Recovery Webpage to provide single window access to small business supports.

    The plan’s regulatory and legislative changes, if passed, will:

    • Commit to exploring options to permanently allow licensed restaurants and bars to include alcohol with food as part of a takeout or delivery order before the existing regulation expires;
    • Permanently allow 24/7 deliveries to businesses that include retail stores, restaurants, and distribution facilities;
    • Support the distribution of local food and food products by increasing the range of products sold at the Ontario Food Terminal;
    • Enable Community Net Metering demonstration projects to help support local communities to develop innovative community projects like net-zero or community micro-grids;
    • Modernize the Assistive Devices Program;
    • Support Ontario’s Taxi and Limousine Industry by increasing fines for illegal operators.
  • The GNCC has added downloadable COVID-related guidelines, templates, posters, and other downloadable resources for businesses to its website. These free resources are accessible at

Reading recommendations:

 If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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COVID-19 Business Update: October 6th, 2020

The Ontario government is investing $19.25 million into mental health supports for postsecondary students in 2020-21, an increase of $3.25 million over last year.
Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • The Ontario government is investing $19.25 million into mental health supports for postsecondary students in 2020-21, an increase of $3.25 million over last year. This funding is intended to help students by strengthening community partnerships and increasing the number of mental health workers and programs at colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes. In 2020-21, the ministry is investing in the following initiatives supporting student mental health:
    • Good2Talk/Allo j’écoute ($5.16M) mental health helpline service for postsecondary students, available 24/7/365;
    • Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health ($0.5M): knowledge exchange hub providing resources and access to expertise for the postsecondary sector;
    • Mental Health Worker Grant ($4.45M) for front-line mental health service workers on campuses, annual ongoing support to 45 colleges and universities to offset the costs of hiring front-line, campus-based mental health workers;
    • Mental Health Services Grant ($6M): annual support to 45 colleges and universities, for the development of programs and services as determined by the institution;
    • Indigenous Institutes Mental Health Grant ($0.5M)support to the 9 Indigenous Institutes in Ontario for the provision of mental health services, staff, and needs assessment as needed;
    • Get-A-head ($250,000) – the ministry is providing one-time funding to support the launch of a mental health online application.
  • Canadian Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam has urged Canadians to think carefully about their Thanksgiving plans this year to protect themselves, their loved ones and communities. At his press briefing today, Premier Ford expressed similar concerns for Ontarians. Canadian Minister of Health Patty Hajdu recommends that families celebrate Thanksgiving virtually this year. Gatherings indoors will be safest if they only include household members, especially where infection rates are highest. Gatherings outdoors that involve people from outside our households will be safest if well-spaced. Remember, too close is too close, even if you are outdoors. Don’t share food or objects. “Bring-Your-Own” is safer.
  • Businesses and residents in Port Colborne may notice temporarily abnormal water pressures during the month of October as routine maintenance and inspection is completed on the water tower. Tap water will remain safe to drink. If low water pressure occurs for longer than 24 hours, the City of Port Colborne suggests calling their Operations Department at 905-835-5079.
  • The township of West Lincoln is alerting residents to a scam in which calls are made about a credit on their water bill. The Township will never call to request banking information, and requests that residents and businesses spread the word to friends and family.
  • The Town of Pelham is petitioning other governments for financial support in developing a municipal cannabis regulatory framework and in meeting the court challenges faced as a result. The town has asked Dean Allison MP and Sam Oosterhoff MPP to champion this cause in the federal and provincial legislatures, and is seeking voluntary contributions of $15,000 each from the cities of Welland and Thorold towards its defense in the legal actions brought against the town by Woodstock Biomed Inc., CannTrust Holdings and Redecan Pharm.

Reading recommendations:

 If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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COVID-19 Business Update: October 5th, 2020

Applications were opened today for the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) programs.
Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • Applications were opened today for the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) programs. The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) gives income support to employed and self-employed individuals who are unable to work because they’re sick or need to self-isolate due to COVID-19, or have an underlying health condition that puts them at greater risk of getting COVID-19. The Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) gives income support to employed and self-employed individuals who are unable to work because they must care for their child under 12 years old or a family member who needs supervised care. Applications for the CRSB can be made here, while application for the CRCB can be made here. The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), which gives income support to employed and self-employed individuals who are directly affected by COVID-19 and are not entitled to Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, will open on October 12, accessible here.
  • The Ontario government has invested $500,000 to help 92 Niagara-area residents train for careers as personal support workers (PSWs). The training began on September 8 and offers a blended online and in-person format. Graduation is expected within 40 weeks. Unemployment in St. Catharines-Niagara has approximately doubled since pre-pandemic levels, according to Statistics Canada, and stood at 23,300 as of August. The Government of Ontario’s study of online job postings in the region showed that educational assistants, metal processing inspectors and home support workers are among the most in-demand workers. This training is intended to address the need for more personal support workers, particularly, the government noted, given the region’s aging population.
  • The Government of Canada has suspended export permits to Turkey after reports that Canadian technology is being used in the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Global Affairs Canada will investigate these claims.
  • Niagara Health’s COVID-19 Assessment Centre in Niagara Falls has moved to the main hospital building at 5546 Portage Rd. For more information on Niagara Health’s Assessment Centres, including testing criteria, how to book an appointment, days/times of operation and maps to the centres, please visit

Reading recommendations:

 If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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COVID-19 Business Update: October 2nd, 2020

In consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, local medical officers of health and public health experts, the Ontario government is tightening public health measures.
Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • In consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, local medical officers of health and public health experts, the Ontario government is tightening public health measures. Additional restrictions on businesses have been announced for Toronto, Ottawa, and Peel. Province-wide changes include:
    • The 28-day pause on any further relaxing of restrictions announced on September 8th will be extended for a further 28 days.
    • Social circles are discontinued. Ontarians are advised only to allow close contact with people from their own household and to maintain a two-metre distance from everybody else.
    • From October 6, 2020, testing at Ontario assessment centres will be by appointment. Walk-in testing will be discontinued on October 4.
    • Pharmacy testing will continue to be expanded. At this time, pharmacies are only testing people without symptoms. Find your closest testing centre here.
  • The Government of Canada has promised to spend $10 billion on infrastructure initiatives such as broadband, clean energy and agricultural projects as part of a plan to boost growth and create one million jobs, outlined in the throne speech. The plan has five elements:
    • $2.5 billion for clean power to support renewable generation and storage and to transmit clean electricity between provinces, territories and regions, including northern and Indigenous communities.
    • $2 billion to help connect about 750,000 homes and small businesses to broadband in under-served communities.
    • $2 billion for large-scale energy efficient building retrofits.
    • $1.5 billion for agriculture irrigation projects to boost production, strengthen Canada’s food security and expand export opportunities.
    • $1.5 billion to speed up the adoption of zero-emission buses and charging infrastructure.
  • The Government of Canada will provide an additional $600 million to support workers and businesses through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF), bringing total RRRF support to over $1.5 billion. RDAs will deliver $455.7 million to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and organizations facing financial pressure, while another $144.3 million is to provide rural businesses and communities with access to capital and technical support, to be delivered by Community Futures Development Corporations across the country.
  • Yesterday, Health Canada received its first submission for authorization of a COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca in partnership with the University of Oxford. Health Canada will perform a rolling review of AstraZeneca’s vaccine data to make sure it meets the Department’s rigorous safety and efficacy requirements.
  • A new pilot rebate program will help Town of Lincoln residents cover the cost of removing rodents from outside their homes in urban areas. The Residential Rodent Control Rebate Program will give residents 50 per cent (to a maximum of $200) toward the cost of a licensed Ontario exterminator to assist with the removal of rodents from the exterior of their residential property.
  • The Government of Canada will refresh the Canada Brand platform with the goal of ensuring that agri-food businesses and their partners have access to new graphics and tools optimized for today’s digital platforms. The refresh is also intended to enable them to reach more consumers and enhance virtual connections with international buyers, and will include a modernized look, signature, messaging, and suite of digital-first marketing products for the Canada Brand.
  • Fall street sweeping in Pelham will begin on Monday, October 5, 2020. Residents are asked to be mindful of when they park on the street and avoid doing so when available. Questions can be directed to the public works department at 905-892-2607 x332.
  • The Government of Canada will invest up to $50M in funding to support organizations providing supports and services to those experiencing gender-based violence. This funding includes:
    • Up to $10 million for women’s shelters and sexual assault centres to help them continue to provide their critical services safely;
    • Up to $10 million to support organizations providing services related to gender-based violence to Indigenous people off-reserve; and
    • Up to $30 million for other women’s organizations to support the delivery of GBV supports, to help combat the spread of COVID, and to address the increased demand for services.
  • The Government of Canada has revised the rules for entry to the country. More details will be made available on October 8 on the government’s COVID-19 page. Entry will now be granted for:
    • certain extended family members of Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents, including those in an exclusive dating relationship of at least 1 year and their dependent children, as well as adult children, grandchildren, siblings and grandparents
    • foreign nationals for compassionate reasons in specific circumstances, such as life-threatening illness, critical injury or death, with potential limited release from quarantine
    • international students, starting October 20, 2020, if they will be attending a designated learning institution that has been identified by their provincial or territorial government as having a COVID‑19 readiness plan in place
  • Niagara Health is conducting a short survey to help inform how the organization shares important updates with you about COVID-19 and other organizational priorities. Your feedback will help Niagara Health to understand what is working well and what can be improved. The survey is open until October 17 and can be accessed here.

Reading recommendations:

If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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COVID-19 Business Update: October 1st, 2020

Work to determine Niagara Region’s 2021 budget is underway. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit our community hard.
Information on government grants, resources, and programs, and how to apply for them, is available here.
The Government of Canada has a support page with summaries of current programs and application portals.

Vital updates:

  • Work to determine Niagara Region’s 2021 budget is underway. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit our community hard. The Regional government wants to learn more about which municipal services you value and believe should remain a priority during this challenging time. To share your input, please complete an online survey by Oct. 5, 2020. Your input will help the Regional government determine which service adjustments Niagara Regional Council should consider during 2021 budget discussions starting this fall.
  • In consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Ontario government is updating its COVID-19 school and child care screening guidance. This additional information aims to help parents determine when it is most appropriate for students, children and their families to seek a test for COVID-19. The school and child care screening guidance is being updated with two sets of questions about symptoms and information to help parents make informed decisions about whether their children should attend school or child care, need to consult a health care provider, or get tested for COVID-19. The guidance can be found immediately at the COVID-19 Screening Tool for Children in School and Child Care, and the refreshed online tool will launch on Friday, October 2 for download.
  • The City of St. Catharines is reintroducing its Digital Service Squad to help main street small businesses enhance their digital presence thanks to a $72,659 grant from Digital Main Street. Funding for the grant was provided by FedDev Ontario, a federal program. Digital Service Squads were first launched in St. Catharines in 2019 as part of a City-led effort to support businesses in Business Improvement Areas across Niagara. The new program will focus its efforts on downtown St. Catharines, Port Dalhousie, Facer Street and Queenston Street. For more information on the program, visit
  • Today, the Ontario government announced the first phase of regulatory changes related to the Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (TRESA). The new changes are intended to modernize rules for registered real estate brokerages, brokers, and salespersons across the province and also to address consumer concerns. Expected later this fall, the second phase of regulatory development will include public consultations with consumers and real estate professionals that focus on further measures to support trustworthiness and the highest ethical standards in the real estate sector. The new measures in Phase One will:
    • Allow real estate professionals to incorporate and be paid through Personal Real Estate Corporations (PRECs).
    • Let salespersons and brokers use additional advertising terms such as “real estate agent” and REALTOR® in their advertisements, better reflecting the services they provide to consumers across the province.
  • From October 5, 2020 all City Hall Services in Thorold will be provided in-person by appointment only. City of Thorold staff ask that you book your appointments with the appropriate department by calling City Hall at 905-227-6613.
  • The Ontario government is investing $461 million to temporarily enhance wages for personal support workers (PSWs) and direct support workers in the home and community care, long-term care, public hospitals, and social services sectors. The temporary wage enhancement will be reviewed on a regular basis and could extend through March 31, 2021, in connection with regulations made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020. Over 147,000 workers who deliver publicly funded personal support services will receive additional temporary pay, including:
    • $3 per hour for approximately 38,000 eligible workers in home and community care;
    • $3 per hour for approximately 50,000 eligible workers in long-term care;
    • $2 per hour for approximately 12,300 eligible workers in public hospitals; and
    • $3 per hour for approximately 47,000 eligible workers in children, community and social services providing personal direct support services for the activities of daily living.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Welland Mayor’s Charity Organizing Committee has cancelled this year’s Mayor’s Charity Event, which was scheduled for Friday, October 16, 2020.

Reading recommendations:

If you are showing symptoms, contact your health care provider, call the Public Health Info-Line at 905-688-8248, or chat to Public Health online. For testing, call 905-378-4647 ext. 42819 (4-CV19) for information on test centres in Niagara and to book an appointment.

Remember that a COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of your health on the specific date and time the swab was taken. No testing is perfect and a negative result doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to COVID-19. You can still develop symptoms days after your test was taken.

It is important that everyone practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people. When maintaining distance is impossible, wear a mask or face covering. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Avoid touching the face. If you have recently traveled outside the country, you are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Previous updates can be accessed here.

Stay safe and be vigilant. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

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