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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

WIN Mentorship

Women and MentorshipWhat is mentorship?

Finding a mentorship is an important aspect for women today. A mentor is having a leader, a friend and an example of what they look for in the work force today. A mentorship is having a support and resource system when entering and maintaining your career.

Why Mentorship?

Women supporting women is such an integral part of further stimulating economic growth here in Niagara.   This support can be packaged in various forms, from forming a new friendship to networking with other brilliant women or finding a formal mentorship.  We often research available programs or attend different networking events seeking the perfect mentoring relationship and are often left feeling alone or uncertain of the best route to take.

While networking and meeting, other female professionals is highly valuable, various points of research show that not enough women are leveraging one another for formal mentorships that can advance them forward.  With that being said, finding the right fit is definitely worth the investment.

There are three equally critical steps to building a valuable mentorship.  Without these, we may find ourselves building very rewarding friendships and meeting new and engaging women but not truly harnessing our ability to elevate one another professionally.

How to seek a mentor

Women and MentorshipDefine your goals and intentions

Whether you are looking to expand your business, learn a specific industry or grow your community footprint it is essential to know exactly what you would like to gain from a mentoring relationship.

Find someone who has achieved what you are looking to achieve

Be specific about who you want to partner and learn from.  The best way to obtain a desired result is to find someone with the results you are after, learn from them and apply it to your own journey.

Ask the question!

Once you have defined someone that you think you would like to work with, make contact.  Don’t hesitate to reach out and invite them for a coffee asking to pick their brain.  During that initial meeting you will be able to identify if the relationship would be a good match. Remember, a mentor can be of any gender. We’ve heard from our WINspirational speakers that they have many mentors, men and women.

Mentorship Resources

While there are very few guidelines to finding a strong mentoring relationship, it is clear that most women are seeking this type of relationship.   Let us encourage one another to take personal responsibility to source effective mentorship for ourselves as well as contribute valuable mentorship where we can.

Advice From Top Women Leaders About Finding a Mentor

Mentoring Women in the Workplace: A Global Study

The Prosperity Project: Rosie Mentorship Program

Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network Mentorship Program

Mentorship Programs in Niagara

Rise Mentorship Program
The Rise Mentorship Program is designed to provide Rise entrepreneurs with the necessary support and guidance as they implement their business plans to maintain and grow their businesses. Matches are based on the area of strength/expertise of the mentor and the need of the entrepreneur.

If you know of any other mentorship programs, click here to let us know and we’ll add it to our list

Women in Niagara News

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