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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Nominations now open for 2025 Niagara Business Achievement Awards

Please complete a submission for each business/person/organization ONCE. You may select multiple categories for your submission. Finalists are not selected based on how many submissions are received.


Who are you nominating?

Nominee Name(Required)
Award Category(Required)
You may select multiple categories per business. A description of each award category is listed below.

Award Descriptions

Excellence in Business Award โ€“ Up to 25 Employees

This award recognizes companies that have demonstrated business excellence in their respective fields. Recipients will be exceptional examples of companies that successfully meet the diverse challenges of todayโ€™s business environment. This category is for businesses with up to 25 full-time employees.

Excellence in Business Award โ€“ 26 Employees or More

This award recognizes companies that have demonstrated business excellence in their respective fields. Recipients will be exceptional examples of companies that successfully meet the diverse challenges of todayโ€™s business environment. This category is for businesses with more than 26 full-time employees.

Excellence in Business Award โ€“ Not for Profit

This award recognizes a not for profit business that has demonstrated continual business excellence through positive business growth and embraced an outstanding commitment to quality and the community. The nominee must have been in business for 3 years or more and must be a registered not for profit.

Outstanding New Business

This award recognizes a company that has been in operation for 3 years or less, that has proven entrepreneurial success and great promise for continued growth.

Young Professional Award

This award recognizes business excellence exemplified by an individual under the age of 40. The nominee will have a proven track record of professional success and shows outstanding potential for the future. The professional may be in any field.

Technology and Innovation Award

This award will recognize a business on the cutting edge that is developing and implementing new technologies and/or innovative products that have had a demonstrable impact in the manufacturing, production, or distribution of goods or services, have improved outcomes, or refined processes.

Environmental Leadership Award

This award recognizes a business that demonstrates an unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship, consistently demonstrates environmental leadership as a standard practice within the company, or have developed, implemented and/or influenced initiatives that show outstanding and innovative management, financial savings and operational efficiency.

Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Award

This award recognizes a business that has shown leadership and innovation in the Canadian tourism industry in order to offer a superior tourism experience. The nominee should be directly involved in the tourism field and an advocate for Niagaraโ€™s tourism industry.

Excellence in Agribusiness, Farming, Rural Achievement

This award acknowledges the valuable contribution a business has made to agriculture and natural resource management and who demonstrates a commitment to the future sustainability of the industry.

Business of the Year

The Business of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding organization that has been in business 10 years or more and has demonstrated entrepreneurial achievement and community leadership. The award acknowledges excellence in business practices combined with a vision for future development. The company may be of any size and within any field.


Your information

Your Name
This information may be shared with the nominee if they request it. If you requested to remain anonymous, the information will be shared without your name.
I would like to be kept anonymous
I am nominating myself/my business

To be eligible as a finalist or recipient of the Niagara Business Achievement Awards, the nominee must not be a current staff member or board member of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, a current member of a GNCC council, an elected official or declared candidate, or have been a recipient of the award in the preceding decade. Nominees and recipients are not required to be members of the GNCC.

If the nominee is eligible for nomination, we will contact them to complete the nomination kit about themselves/business. This is done to ensure all information is accurate and correct and will be used to determine finalists and recipients.

Finalists are not selected based on how many submissions are received.

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