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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Women in Niagara Council

N’ora Kalb

Innovate Niagara


Stacey Stemplowski

Grounding Balance Wellness & Psychotherapy

Vice Chair

Grace Eldajani

Beyond the Bench Events Management Inc.

Past Chair

Corrina Massicotte

Corrina Massicotte

Staff Liaison

Brandy Fulton

Abatement Technologies Limited & Ravine Vineyard Estates Winery

Jaime Giles

TD Commercial Banking

Marina Glencross

S&G HR Consulting

Erin Hagar

SunOpta Inc.

Janet Madume

Welland Heritage Council and Multicultural Centre

Carolyn Mullin

Niagara College

Colleen Smith

FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre

Krystyn Smith

Trilogen Technologies Inc.

Council Profiles

N’ora Kalb Chair
Full name:
N’ora Kalb (that’s the whole thing – 8 letters and an apostrophe, no middle name.)
Occupation (title, business):
Director of Operations, Innovate Niagara
Sector (if title and business not obvious):
non-profit, Business advisory
Position on WIN council
How many years on WIN:
almost 4
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
I have always been interested in getting more women involved in business and in innovative startups.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
We raise awareness to the GNCC on issues that are affecting women right now. We give ideas on what education, events and advocacy the chamber can implement.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
I think collaborative would be the value I most often embody. I strive to work together so that everyone wins.
Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
I would agree with others!
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
I am Chair of Rodman Art Institute of Niagara (RAiN). We are stewards of the art collection from the former Rodman Hall. We currently have opened a micro gallery on St. Paul Street in St. Catharines, and are working towards a permanent home for the >1,000-piece collection, so that it can be enjoyed by all of Niagara.
What do you do in your spare time?
Pottery; walk every morning and work out a couple times a week; and take my dog to training classes. Tennis is starting now so trying to fit that in as well… oh and book club.
Favourite Podcast
Heavyweight, on pause right now so I hope it comes back soon.
Current or just finished Binge-watching:
Great Canadian Pottery Throwdown!

Stacey Stemplowski Vice Chair
Full name:
Stacey Stemplowski
Occupation (title, business):
Grounding Balance Wellness & Psychotherapy, Owner/Registered Psychotherapist
Sector (if title and business not obvious):
Health & Wellness (private)
Position on WIN council
Vice Chair
How many years on WIN:
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
I have always been a feminist and advocate for women’s issues and using my voice for change. The WIN council is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded women and engage in community events where women’s issues and experiences are at the forefront.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
The WIN Council empowers women in Niagara to be at their economic and social best by providing them with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive and succeed. Through its various initiatives, the WIN Council aims to create a more equitable and inclusive society where all women can reach their full potential.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
I would lean into transparent as being open, honest, candid in both my actions and my communication. I am straightforward and I don’t hide my intentions or feelings. With being transparent, I include having a foundational approach which is bult on being trustworthy and authentic. I remain committed to being open to feedback and a strong willingness with regards to taking responsibility.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
That’s a tough one. I grew up surrounded by strong, independent, supportive, and trustworthy women. All of which shaped and impacted me immensely. They lead by example, and I try to embody their approaches every day.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
Niagara Region: Women’s Advisory Committee & Brock University Wilmentorship Mentor
What do you do in your spare time?
Yoga, running, pilates, spending time with my fur babies, hiking, tennis and defintely travelling.
Book currently on nightstand:
The Body Keeps The Score, by Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Last book read:
The 5am Club, by Robin Sharma.
Favourite Podcast
We Can Do Hard Things
Current or just finished Binge-watching:
Palm Royale
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
Build Comfort in the Discomfort

Grace Eldajani Past Chair
Full name:
Grace Eldajani
Occupation (title, business):
CEO and Founder of Beyond the Bench Events Management Inc
Sector (if title and business not obvious):
Event Management and Planning
Position on WIN council
Past Chair
How many years on WIN:
7 years
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
After returning to work from maternity leave, I was looking for new professional ways to network within my community, a place to grow and gain some additional business and professional skills.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
Recently, I have been called Courageous for speaking out against injustices occurring not only in my own community but around the world and working alongside other community members to bring attention to the Palestinian community.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
My mother is a woman I deeply admire – a devoted educator of children who has always taught me the vital lesson of recognizing my worth and never settling for anything less.
What do you do in your spare time?
The pockets of time I carve out for myself usually also involve the presence of my three daughters, where I typically find myself immersed in beautiful moments of joy and chaos that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
Book currently on nightstand:
The Lost Bookshop, by Evie Woods
Favourite Podcast
Mel Robbins Podcasts
Current or just finished Binge-watching:
Bluey (lol, my kids run the TV but secretly I love the show too)
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
“There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you.” And “I may not be perfect, but I am worthy.”— Mel Robbins

Jaime Giles
Full name:
Jaime Giles
Occupation (title, business):
Manager, Cash Management, TD Commercial Banking
Position on WIN council
Member (former Vice-Chair)
How many years on WIN:
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
I’ve always been passionate about community and an advocate for social justice and equity, which led me to study Sociology at Brock University. Much of my coursework focused on women’s and gender issues, which highlighted the unique challenges faced by women and the greater intersectionality of oppression. This, combined with my experience working in a male-dominated industry, inspired me to get involved with WIN to empower and bring light to issues impacting women here in Niagara.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
WIN does this by facilitating opportunities for women to network, build connections, learn, and access the resources needed to grow their business/in their career.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
Courageous – taking on new challenges and being a voice for others.
Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
Collaborative – working with community partners and leveraging networks to influence change.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
My grandmother, our mighty matriarch, defied many of the social expectations for women of her time. She was a single mother, divorced, working in the corporate world and raising two girls on her own. I’ve included one of my favourite photos of her taken in the ’70s, (amusingly) advocating to normalize women wearing pants in the workplace. Makes me proud to come from a lineage of strong women.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
During my time at TD, I’ve led a number of community and charitable volunteer initiatives supporting local non-profit organizations, including Community Crew, Shoebox Project, and the United Way. In 2023, I was recognized with the TD Community Showcase Award. Outside of TD, I have volunteered with HelpAWS, a dog rescue where I adopted my two beloved pups from St. Lucia. For the past several years, my husband and I have sponsored a family for the holidays, which we have done through Community Care, Gillian’s Place, and most recently, Abbey House (Niagara Regional Native Centre).
What do you do in your spare time?
gardening, walking and exploring with my husband and two dogs, reading and watching anything historical/related to the Second World War.
Last book read:
All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
“At the end of the day, people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Marina Glencross
Full name:
Marina Glencross, CHRL
Occupation (title, business):
HR Business Partner, S&G HR Consulting
Position on WIN council
How many years on WIN:
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
To connect with and promote the advancement of women in our community through advocacy, education, and sharing resources.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
WIN Council promotes and empowers women through recognition at events such as the Women in Business Awards (WIBA) held annually in November, and the International Women’s Day (IWD) event held every March. The WIN/WIN mentorship program also provides a forum for women to successfully share ideas and resources through peer mentorship. There are currently endeavours in place to enhance our platform by sharing resources, recognizing the success of women in our community, and partnering with community networks. The WIN Council’s involvement and partnership with the Niagara Region’s Advisory Committee and executive council allows the opportunity to discuss concerns and challenges women in our community are facing (such as affordable childcare and career advancement).
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why? Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
Respectful. I appreciate that there are different perspectives and that everyone should have an opportunity to contribute valuable thoughts and ideas. It is amazing how the WIN council provides a forum for everyone to contribute equally through council meetings, sub-committee meetings, and during the WIN/WIN Peer mentoring sessions.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
This is a tough one! I can think of so many inspiring women; Maya Angelou, Michelle Obama, and Malala Yousafzai come to mind. However, throughout my life, there have been many inspirational women; teachers, mentors, friends, and colleagues who have all inspired me to grow and become the person I am today.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
  • On the executive board at the Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre and also volunteer for several events and programs.
  • Worked with the mentorship program as a mentor and mentee at the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA).
What do you do in your spare time?
Hiking, walking, reading.
Book currently on nightstand:
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb
Last book read:
The Wager by David Grann
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler

Erin Hagar
Full name:
Erin Hagar
Occupation (title, business):
Human Resources Manager, SunOpta Inc.
Sector (if title and business not obvious):
Food Manufacturing
Position on WIN council
How many years on WIN:
In First Year
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
I am passionate about advocating for women in business in Niagara; I am fueled by a desire to dismantle barriers and pave the way for equality and empowerment for women. As a business leader, my commitment is to level the playing field and create a more inclusive environment where all women can thrive. I believe there is an untapped potential of women in business in Niagara. I recognize that talent knows no gender and that by harnessing the skills, talents, and perspectives of women, businesses can reach new heights of success and innovation.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
I believe that WIN provides strategic and tactical direction to support our mission and priorities. WIN council identifies issues relevant to women in business in Niagara and provides strategic guidance to address these challenges and opportunities.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
Others would likely say that “Collaborative” best describes my approach. My dedication to advocating for women in business is evident not only in my individual efforts but also in my ability to bring people together and foster collaboration toward a common goal. I understand that real progress requires collective action and that by working collaboratively with others, you can amplify your impact and effect meaningful change. My collaborative nature is reflected in my willingness to listen to diverse perspectives, to seek out partnerships and alliances, and to leverage the strengths of others to achieve shared objectives. I recognize that no one person or organization can solve complex issues like gender inequality alone, so I actively engage with stakeholders from all sectors, building bridges and forging connections that strengthen the movement for women’s empowerment in business. Moreover, my collaborative approach is marked by inclusivity, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued in the decision-making process. I create space for dialogue and collaboration, fostering an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute their ideas and expertise.
Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
I would have to agree with what others feel about me. I am very true to my spirit of collaboration.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
I’d have to say my former colleague and close friend, Amanda, stands out as a remarkable influence. From the instant I met her, she emerged as a beacon of challenging the status quo – something that you don’t often see from women in business. Fearlessly, she questions norms and addresses injustices. Working alongside her has been an absolute privilege, affording me the opportunity to glean insights into her management style. As a woman with an unwavering voice, she has inspired me in myriad ways. I often seek her advice and feel grateful that I have someone to be a great mentor and ultimately friend.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
At SunOpta Inc, we have a sustainability mission and we have been active in the community with various initiatives such as park clean ups, planting and maintaining pollinator gardens, and tree planting. We believe this is the right thing to do within our communities.
What do you do in your spare time?
I spend a lot of spare time with my family and friends. I have strong family values and enjoy using any chance to be with my nieces and nephews, especially as they are at such a young age. I enjoy being around their free and loving spirit and endless creativity.
Last book read:
Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ― Thomas A. Edison

Janet Madume
Full name:
Janet Madume
Occupation (title, business):
Executive Director, Welland Heritage Council and Multicultural
Sector (if title and business not obvious):
Position on WIN council
How many years on WIN:
This is my first year.
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
The opportunity to make a tangible impact on the lives of women in need in the Niagara region.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
By providing resources, support, and advocacy to help women overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
Others would say “Courageous and Collaborative” describes me because I’m not afraid to take risks for the greater good and I believe in the power of collaboration to drive meaningful change.
Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
I also believe “Transparent” describes my approach as I strive to be open, honest, and accountable in all my interactions.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
My mother has been a constant source of inspiration with her resilience, kindness, and unwavering determination to succeed despite facing numerous challenges.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
  • Member of the Age-Friendly Council
  • Member of the Non-Profit Council for GNCC
  • Have volunteered since 2005 with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) – free income tax returns
  • Niagara Refugee Assistance Committee (NRAC) – Member
  • Niagara Local Immigration Partnership Council (LIP) – Member
  • City of Niagara Falls Anti-Racism Committee
  • NC Program Advisory Committee (PAC)
  • Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce – Hamilton-Niagara Region Chapter
What do you do in your spare time?
I enjoy watching our son’s basketball practices, travel team etc. I enjoy spending time with my other kids at amusement parks, etc. And I also enjoy cooking and caddying for my husband from time to time (I cannot hit that tiny white ball to save my life).
Book currently on nightstand:
Becoming, by Michelle Obama
Favourite Podcast
“The Pigmented”
Current or just finished Binge-watching:
My life with the Walter Boys
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
“Empowered women empower women.”

Carolyn Mullin
Full name:
Carolyn Mullin
Occupation (title, business):
Director – Strategic Partnerships, Niagara College
Sector (if title and business not obvious):
post-secondary applied research
Position on WIN council
How many years on WIN:
In Second Year
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
As someone working at a post-secondary institution (helping train the next generation of entrepreneurs and business owners), who also works with small businesses through research, I wanted to bring that lens to the work of the committee.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
In what feels like just a short time on the WIN Council, I have seen the uplifting power of women working together to address community challenges and barriers to business, while at the same time, taking the time – the absolutely necessary time – to celebrate each other, celebrate successful women in business, and to learn from each other as we journey together. There is no greater feeling than knowing and seeing the difference we make, together.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
Others would likely say collaborative, because that is the approach they would see from me on a day-to-day basis, as I work with many teams for various tasks, in my personal/community and business life.
Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
They are smart people, so I’d tend to agree with them. This may go along with inclusive to a certain degree as well, since I always try to make sure everyone has an opportunity to contribute to discussions and actions as well.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
In the past I have been blessed to have some amazingly strong female bosses who have both shown how to be a leader in male-dominated vocations, but also how to walk that collaborative walk, leading by working side-by-side with colleagues. That said, my mom was a rock in so many ways, keeping our household afloat through lean times when I was young, and showing me how to be a caring, giving individual in any aspect of life – in work, in community service, in parenthood, etc. She kept smiling and looking for the positive, in everything. I miss her every day.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
  • Rotary Club of Fonthill (currently president)
  • Innovate Niagara board member
  • Welland-Pelham Chamber of commerce board member
  • Church elder/choir leader
  • Fonthill Bandshell Concert Series board member/social media contributor
What do you do in your spare time?
Reading, jigsaw or crossword puzzles, crafting (does Lego count?), travel in Canada and elsewhere, and spending time with my family by the lake (swimming, kayaking, country walks…) – look out dock, we’ll be diving into that big blue water soon!
Book currently on nightstand:
Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley (it definitely reads a lot differently than it did in Grade 12!)
Last book read:
Zero Day by David Baldacci
Favourite Podcast
Someone Knows Something
Current or just finished Binge-watching:
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
We are never given more than we can handle, even though it doesn’t seem like it at the time. Don’t underestimate your capabilities. You’ve got this.

Colleen Smith
Full name:
Colleen Smith
Occupation (title, business):
CEO, FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre
Position on WIN council
Member, also GNCC Board of Directors
How many years on WIN:
In Second Year
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
I was drawn to WIN by the opportunity to connect with inspiring new-to-me women from across the region and help elevate the status of women in our communities and in our businesses.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
Courageous. Moving across the country at the beginning of a pandemic to being a new job in a new city has garnered a few comments!
Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
See above. Life is an adventure 😉
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
My grandmothers. One ran the farm in PEI, the other ran a one room schoolhouse. They were strong, feisty and never gave up.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
I love our industry and proudly support Culture Days Canada and the International Society of Arts Professionals by being on their Boards.
What do you do in your spare time?
I love hiking with my two rescue pups, Banjo and his sister, Emmy Lou.
Current or just finished Binge-watching:
Survivor. It’s timeless reality TV!
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
Make it sparkle please.

Krystyn Smith
Full name:
Krystyn Smith
Occupation (title, business):
Operations Manager, Trilogen Technologies Inc.
Sector (if title and business not obvious)
Software Development
Position on WIN council
How many years on WIN:
First year! Council September 2023, Speakers, but been on events subcommittee for WIN since October 2020
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
It was important to me to help with programming and advocacy for women in business in Niagara. Having worked in a male-dominated industry, I wanted to offer my experience and volunteer to support women in business.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
Through partnerships and leveraging resources, we achieve our purpose. It is our mission to foster the growth and success of women in business in Niagara. We provide a platform for women in business to be recognized through our events. Our platform offers a wide range of events and opportunities for women in business in Niagara. From networking events and workshops to mentorship programs and business showcases, we strive to create an environment where women can connect, learn, and thrive. Whether it’s through accordionpanel discussions, keynote speakers, business awards, International Women’s Day events or bursaries, we aim to provide valuable resources and support for the growth and success of women in the region.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why?
Collaborative. In order to be a leader, you must be able to inspire and motivate your team through your actions, words, and attitude. I strive to motivate my team and work collaboratively to achieve our common goals.
Which one do you say describes you/your approach?
Transparent. I am candid about my opinions, beliefs, and views, yet I remain receptive to hearing and considering those of others. Moreover, I always substantiate my assertions with sound reasoning.
Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
Throughout my life, my aunt Adeline served as a great inspiration to me. Though she has recently passed away, her impact remains with me. She taught me to view the world through a new perspective and encouraged me to approach others with respect and compassion, as one can never truly know the struggles that they may be facing.
What do you do in your spare time?
  • Co-ed Intermediate volleyball
  • As a new mother, I am taking on the joys and challenges of caring for my 21-month-old son.
  • I have a passion for both exploring new places and cherishing moments with my husband, who has been my companion for two decades.
If you could have a billboard with a favourite or inspirational saying, what would it say?
Do unto others as you’d have them do to you

Marilyn Tian
Full name:
Marilyn Tian
Occupation (title, business):
CEO, Business Link Media Group
Position on WIN council
How many years on WIN:
What drew you to get involved with WIN?
The passion for supporting women’s empowerment, the desire to make a positive impact in the community, and also the commitment to giving back to the community drew me to get involved.
How does the WIN Council empower women in Niagara to be at our economic and social best?
WIN is currently making progress in the right direction with several important programs. The WIN-WIN peer mentorship program aims to help women enhance their skills and advance in their careers. WIBA aims to recognize outstanding women in business in Niagara. The WINspirational program provides a great networking and in-depth learning experience for women in business through significant speakers and meaningful themes. Additionally, WIN’s advocacy committees are putting efforts into addressing issues affecting women in the community and providing support for women facing challenges in various aspects of their lives.
WIN council member values are Courageous, Collaborative, Respectful, Transparent, Inclusive… you embody them all, obviously, but which one would others say describes you/your approach, and why? Which one do you say describes you/your approach?

I will answer two questions as one. I believe that the value of Inclusive best describes me and my approach within the council. I strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment where all voices are heard, valued, and respected, regardless of background or identity.

As a member of a visual minority, I have frequently faced discrimination and exclusion. Therefore, I prioritize inclusivity by actively seeking diverse perspectives, fostering a sense of belonging for all members, and advocating for equitable opportunities for women from various backgrounds. I believe that embracing diversity and inclusion leads to richer discussions, innovative solutions, and a stronger sense of community within the council.

By promoting inclusivity, I aim to ensure that every member feels empowered to contribute their unique insights and experiences, ultimately leading to a more collaborative and impactful environment for all. I am committed to championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of my work with the WIN Council, as I believe that it is fundamental to creating a truly supportive and empowering space for women in Niagara.

Please tell us about a woman who has inspired you throughout your life:
Throughout different phases of my life, I have sought inspiration from various sources. However, if I were to pinpoint one woman who has consistently inspired me, it would be my mom. She has been involved in various business ventures, providing me with the opportunity to observe and learn from her experiences in managing both business and interpersonal relationships. Her strong work ethic and sense of responsibility have left a lasting impression on me.
Other social or community involvement? (list if applicable)
I am also the Chair of DEI Advisory Committee of City of Niagara Falls
Favourite Podcast
Huberman Lab, Lex Fridman Podcast

Women in Niagara News

Nominations Open for 2024 Women in Business Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Women in Business Awards. Since 2000, the Women in Business Awards have recognized… more »

Gillian’s Place: Call for Applications for Director at Large

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Lunch & Learn: Embrace & Elevate — Cultivating Inclusion at Work

Discover how diversity can become the cornerstone of innovation and success in our next Lunch & Learn. We will delve… more »

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