Learn 3 things you can do right now to protect your business and employees (5:00) – and how to double your WSIB rebates and receive $1,000 towards your health and safety program (1:29). Hiring Ukrainian workers? We have translated resources (25:20)! Last up, be sure to apply for WSIB’s Small Business Health and Safety Leadership Awards (26:55).
Note: This episode was recorded on June 28, 2022. All information presented was in effect at that time. Please check with your local Public Health unit to confirm up-to-date prevention measures that are in place in your area.
Resources For This Week’s Topics
In the News: Health & Safety Excellence Program (HSEP)
WSIB Health and Safety Excellence Program | WSPS
Health and Safety Excellence program: Webinars | WSIB
3 things you should know
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Basic Training | WSPS
Small Business Centre | WSPS | WSPS Safety Checks for Workers (wsps.ca)
Research conducted by Canada Life and Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Retention and staffing in the retail industry
A Deloitte study from 2019 on companies with mental health programs
Ukrainian Health and Safety Resources
Prevention Starts Here, Health and Safety at Work Poster
Employment Standards materials in Ukrainian
Hours of work and overtime pay
Temporary help agency assignment employees
Employment Standards Act (ESA) for foreign nationals
Employment Protections for Foreign Nationals Act (EPFNA)
The Worker and Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness Workbooks have been translated into Ukrainian. To access a copy please email feedback@ontario.ca.
Elizabeth Witmer Small Business Health and Safety Leadership Awards | WSIB
Contact Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
Looking for Small Biz resources and more information? Visit the WSPS Small Business Centre
Have health and safety questions? Contact the WSPS Duty Consultant by email dutyconsultant@wsps.ca or call 1-877-494-WSPS (9777)
Have questions about this podcast or show ideas? We’d love to hear from you! Contact smallbizsafety@wsps.ca