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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

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OTT Media Distribution Partner – Request For Proposal

OTT Media Distribution Partner
Request For Proposal
Version 1.0
Version Date: August 9, 2021


The Canada Games represents the highest level of national competition for up-and-coming Canadian athletes. It is seeking a global OTT (over-the-top) media distribution partner (“OTT Partner”) who is much more than a technology provider to the Canada Games. Our chosen partner will join the Canada Games on a journey to build a digital broadcast service for Canadians, as well as fans and constituents abroad. This partner must align with our drive to think, build and execute while delivering locally, nationally and globally.

The Canada Games will identify one (1) long-term OTT Partner and have issued this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to provide the services described below.


About the Canada Games
Held every two years for two weeks, alternating between winter and summer, the Canada Games brings together over 2,000 able-bodied athletes and athletes with physical and intellectual disabilities for the largest amateur multi-sport event in the country.

The Games span over 35 different events and showcase the very best in Canadian sport. But most importantly, the Games bring us together to celebrate the very best in Canadian spirit. They are a true reflection of what it means to be Canadian and embody our collective belief that we can all do and be something greater — as individuals, as a community and as a country.

About the Canada Games Council (CGC)
In 1991, the Canada Games Council was incorporated as a private, non-profit organization to be the governing body for the Canada Games. As the Games move from one host community to the next, the Council provides the continuity, leadership and support to Host Societies in key Games areas such as sport technical, transportation, organizational planning, protocol events, ceremonies, marketing, community relations, and sponsorship.

In addition, the Canada Games Council also manages long-term partnerships with National Sport Organizations, Multi-Sport Organizations, National Partners, Government stakeholders, and Provincial/Territorial Teams.

Scope of Work

The primary objective of this RFP is to form a minimum two-year partnership including the 2022
and 2023 Canada Games with a single entity to design, build, operate and support a fully
managed end-to-end live and video-on-demand direct-to-consumer service that distributes and
commercializes broadcast assets of the Canada Games. The platform would need to be in place
by April 2022.

Project Management
The successful OTT Partner will be responsible for effectively managing the project, from
appointment, through to completion including, but not limited to;
1. Planning of all identified and agreed elements for the delivery in the lead-up to and during
the 2022 and 2023 Canada Games and any events hosted in between Games on the
2. Development of an approved project plan including milestones and project tasks
including, but not limited to the following key deliverables:
a. Creative design theme development, approval and implementation;
b. Detailed live event operational planning (including identification of ingest points)
3. Development and submission of project status reports, highlighting the key activity
undertaken in the period, status of planning, issues or risks identified for noting, specific
recommendations and any areas requiring action.

1. Develop a distribution proposal for a consistent broadcast offering across all events and
games locations
2. Development of a mobile-friendly website, from design to development and full quality
assurance and support with App store submission
3. Development of sponsorship assets within the OTT service
4. Work with other partners of the Canada Games to integrate data systems, advertising and
5. Capture user / fan data
6. Design and develop an iOS and Android mobile app with full support and App store

1. Integration with on-site production partners at venues
2. Main point of contact to lead on signal acquisition planning process with Games
experience groups


Video Platform
1. Content Management: Provide support for the Canada Games content team’s use of the
proposer’s content management system for creating live events, uploading videos,
creating playlists and sponsor features, managing customers and subscription packages.
2. Updates: Provide support for the Canada Games with any new platform updates
3. Customization: Create a development team to ensure all customization requests are
scoped and inputted in the development roadmap of the platform.
4. Live Feed Ingestion/Management: Support the Canada Games to ensure the local
broadcast all required production feeds are ingested, monitored and being delivered at
the highest quality and lowest latency possible.
5. VOD Player Embed: Ability to embed video-on-demand (VOD) videos onto the website of
the Canada Games.
6. Casting: Minimum support of Airplay and Chromecast casting functionality. Extended
devices desired.
7. Data: Capturing user data and video analytics.
8. Ingest support: Live support during all live events.
9. Technical Support: 24/7/365 support and proactive monitoring for the proposer’s
software applications.

User Experience

1. Website: A mobile response video-first website
2. Multi-Language: the ability to access the content, the website, and app with English or
3. Mobile apps: iOS, Android
4. Connected TVs: Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast and similar
Customer Management
1. CRM: registration, profile management, single-sign-on, user-level analytics
2. Subscriptions: package creation/management, customer transactions processing,
content entitlement, payments, voucher codes
3. End Customer Support: 24/7/365 support for free or paid subscription users

RFP Process

A prospective OTT Partner identified pursuant to this RFP will have an opportunity to negotiate an
agreement with the Canada Games Council. Nothing contained in this RFP or in any of the
communications issued pursuant thereto will be deemed to create any obligation on the part of
the Canada Games, or any legal relationship, or duty with any proposer, unless and until a written
agreement has been executed.

The following is the tentative schedule for this RFP:
RFP issued: Monday, August 9, 2021
Notice of Intent to Submit Due: Friday, August 20, 2021 @ 4:00pm ET
Final date to Submit Questions: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 @ 4:00pm ET
Proposal and Supporting Documents Due: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 @ 4:00pm ET
Anticipated Decision Date: Friday, September 24, 2021
Anticipated Start Date: October 2022
Anticipated Conclusion Date: April 2023

This RFP timetable is tentative only and may be changed by the Canada Games Council in its
sole discretion at any time prior to the date that the Proposal and Supporting Documents are due.
In the event a change is made to the schedule, the Canada Games Council will notify and
communicate such changes to all proposers. If necessary, proposers may amend or withdraw a
proposal prior to the date for Proposal Submission.

Response Submittal Requirements
We are seeking comprehensive and informative proposals that clearly outline your ability to fulfill
our requirements. The information should be provided as follows:

General Information
Please provide the following information:
1. Bidder’s name, one (1) contact person, address, telephone number and email
2. Provide an overview of the proposed team, their geographic location
3. List all participating affiliate or third-party entities that are joining the proposer’s
submission: company name, relationship with company, description of services
4. Specify all platforms included in the solution and who owns the intellectual
property of each.
5. An overview of the proposer’s ownership structure, and specify any current M&A
proceedings that may result in a change in control in the next three (3) years.
6. A complete current contracted client list, specifying:
a. Date of initial client product launch
b. Products and services used by client
c. Note which client(s) represent more than 25% of the proposer’s gross
annual revenue across all lines of business
d. Link to proposer’s live instance of the client’s OTT service

RFP Scoring
Submitted RFPs will be scored as follows:
1. Responsiveness to Scope of Work 25%
2. Demonstrated experience and expertise in similar projects 20%
3. Cost effectiveness 25%
4. Value-In-Kind opportunities 15%
(either budget relief and/or project enhancements)
5. Comprehensiveness 10%
6. Company Profile 5%
Total 100%

1. Responsiveness to Scope of Work
We are seeking comprehensive and informative proposals that clearly outline your ability to fulfill
our requirements. The information should be provided as follows:

Product Plan and Approach

Provide an overview of your development processes and define how they will be utilized
to the benefit of the Canada Games.
1. Describe your product vision, with reference to the development and delivery of
the events to domestic and international viewers;
2. Provide an overview of your platform distribution recommendation and
3. Define your approach to project management of large-scale events; and
4. Describe your ability to identify key challenges and opportunities and develop
strategies and tactics to take advantage of identified opportunities and overcome
key challenges.
5. Present the approach it will take to implement a collaborative working relationship
with the Canada Games with respect to content creation, delivery and

All ideas and concepts provided in the winning submission become the exclusive
property of the Canada Games, with a worldwide, unlimited right to the Canada Games to
make use of such ideas or concepts as the Canada Games may see fit without any or
further compensation to the party who has submitted them.

Financial Bid and Payment Schedule
Identify all fees related to the design, build, maintenance and support, and describe the
services that will be provided in relation to the fee.

1. Describe the specific financial approach you suggest for the Canada Games to
develop the distribution commercialization model; and
2. Where possible, provide potential sponsorship opportunities for the Canada
Games; and
3. Comment on how the deal structure and management you propose will provide
suitable financial security and cost certainty for the Canada Games and maximize
the commercial impact, while minimizing financial risk for both the Canada Games
and its OTT Partner.

Project Plan
Provide a proposed milestones/critical path from project initiation to the delivery in July of
2022. The timeline should encompass the period from receipt of contract to the delivery,
1. A monthly schedule;
2. The major tasks and/or periods of activity such as design, development, testing,
content migration, etc.;
3. Critical milestones in the process including estimated dates for presentations to

The Canada Games
2. Demonstrated Experience and Expertise in Similar Projects
Based on your understanding of the vision of the Canada Games, the OTT Partner and the role of
the OTT Partner articulated in this document, profile 3 events, clients or projects which you
believe highlight your ability to perform the role of OTT Partner as well as your operational and
technical experience delivering successful large-scale events. At least 2 of these projects must
demonstrate your ability to support events and concurrent live broadcast productions.

For each referenced project, please make certain to include all relevant details such as:
● Description of scope of project
● Time to execute each phase of the project
● Lessons learned

Project descriptions should be in text and photographic form but may also include one (1) video
file of not more than 20 minutes in duration. Total number of pages of text and photos permitted
in this section should be no greater than ten (10) pages. Note: The relevant experience and case
study of up to ten (10) pages must be included within the submission of twenty-five (25) pages.

3. Cost Effectiveness
Our decision process will be to secure a partner whose services best deliver the goals of the
Canada Games Council, while also being cost effective.

4. Sponsorship / VIK
The Canada Games Council is not merely looking for a vendor with a fee for service approach.
Instead, it is our belief that all vendors associated with the Canada Games become strategic
partners on the basis of both fee for service, as well as Value In-Kind (VIK) opportunities.
We encourage vendors to include a percentage discount toward budget relieving VIK (a
reduction in cost to the requirements outlined in the Scope of Work), as well as enhanced VIK
(additional services or features, not specifically outlined in the Scope of Work) and will work with
the proposer to explore opportunities to support your business objectives in return.

In addition, the Canada Games Council always welcomes discussions around new partnerships
based on cash sponsorships in exchange for rights and benefits provided by the Canada Games
Movement in support of your business objectives. Any interest in cash sponsorship can be
submitted in conjunction with, or separate from, submitted proposals.

5. Comprehensiveness
Your comprehensiveness score will be based upon how well your submission addresses all
relevant areas identified in the RFP.

6. Company Profile
Please provide a brief history of your organization, and if you intend to subcontract some of the
work to another firm, include their information in this RFP as well.
Also, we would please ask that you provide the résumé of those who would have responsibilities
related to this project.

How to Submit Questions
For the purpose of this process, the Canada Games contact shall be:
Email Subject: OTT Partner RFP

Upon receipt of this RFP, please examine it carefully and report any errors, omissions or
ambiguities. You may direct questions or seek additional information from the Canada Games
contact by email on or before the Final Date to Submit Questions. All questions will be deemed to
be received once the email has entered into the Canada Games contact’s email inbox. No
communications are to be directed to anyone other than the Canada Games contact. The Canada
Games is under no obligation to provide additional information but may do so at its sole

Proposers are permitted and encouraged to submit questions or request information during the
RFP process. Responses to proposal clarification questions will be circulated to all proposers. It is
the proposer’s responsibility to avail itself of any necessary information or due diligence required
to prepare a proposal in response to this RFP. If the proposer believes that its question is of a
commercially sensitive or confidential nature, it must identify this to the Canada Games at the
time the question is submitted. If the Canada Games disagrees that the question is of a
commercially sensitive or confidential nature, it will advise the proposer and will provide the
proposer an opportunity to proceed with the question or withdraw it. If the Canada Games agrees
that the question is of a commercially sensitive or confidential nature, it will respond directly to
the proposer.

Proposal Submission

We ask that your proposal be submitted in the prescribed manner set out below:
1. Submitted by email to the Canada Games contact.
2. One (1) electronic copy with the entire content in a single file, including the content of
websites or other external documents and must not be longer than 25 pages.
Detailed response submittal requirements are contained in this document.

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