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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Doug Giles

Director Community and Long Range Planning, Niagara Region

Doug Giles is an urban planner with international experience in both government and private sectors in the areas of land use, strategic planning, policy and economic development. He is a Mmember of the winning team in the Partnership Project Category for the Abu Dhabi Commercial Signage Project in the Rabdan Awards for Corporate Excellence 2014.

The Niagara Region’s Planning and Development Services makes recommendations, guides and regulates community development in Niagara to ensure future development is sustainable, healthy, economical, and supports prosperity. Community and Long Range Planning identifies where and how growth should occur and is responsible for Urban growth management and preparing the new Regional Official Plan; alignment with provincial plans and policies; local Official Plan and zoning by-law review; district plans and strategic planning projects; administering incentive programs; rural and long range planning projects; urban design policies and guidelines; and stakeholder consultation.