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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Lunch & Learn: The 3-Part Social Media Framework for Success on ANY platform!

Feeling overwhelmed trying to keep up with a constantly changing social media scene? Join us for our December Lunch & learn and discover a social media strategy that will turn your newly growing audience into happy clients and customers. Amplify your efforts to skyrocket growth — without having to spend 24/7 on your computer.

In this Lunch & Learn, you will discover:

The 3 habits you need to focus on in order to stick with a social media strategy

An easy formula for creating transformative social media messages

How to create a strategic, simple, and effective content plan for your social media and how to implement it.

Why growing a social media audience full of your target audience won’t take up every minute of your life

How to turn your newly growing audience into happy clients and customers.

Presented by

Owner, OnlineDrea

With your 5 Minute Financial Download from C.R. Smith Financial Services Inc.

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