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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

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Join the GNCC Board of Directors

Under GNCC’s by-laws, the Nominating Committee is responsible and required to recommend the best qualified candidates who can fill any vacancies with the Board of Directors.

Board Nominations 

Under GNCC’s by-laws, the Nominating Committee is responsible and required to recommend the best qualified candidates who can fill any vacancies with the Board of Directors.

If you are qualified in a certain area that can benefit GNCC, we encourage you to join the Board of Directors. Any Member of GNCC who is interested (and who meets the criteria) may apply. Joining the Board of Directors is a great way to make a difference in your community.

Each year, the Board assesses the strengths of the current Board and provides direction to the Nominating Committee as to which areas of expertise should be priorities for the upcoming election. Specific areas of expertise for the 2022 nominations include skills and expertise in: Agri-business; Transportation/Warehousing/Logistics; Manufacturing; Medium to Large Organization; or Policy Advocacy Experience.

Diversity & Inclusiveness
GNCC recognizes and embraces the benefits of diversity in Board members. A truly diverse Board will include and make good use of differences in the skills, regional and industry experience, background, race, gender and other attributes of Directors. These differences will be taken into account in determining the optimum composition of the Board. Board members who are recommended for election will be based on those best qualified while taking into account broad diversity required to represent our membership of today and tomorrow. 


In 2022, five (5) board positions shall open for election:

January 04, 2022: Application for nomination for the 2020 elections accepted
February 09, 2022: Deadline for all eligible applications
February 14–18, 2022: Candidates who meet eligibility requirements are interviewed and evaluated on experience, expertise and qualifications by the Nominating Committee. The Committee will make recommendations of the best qualified candidates to the Board
March 07, 2022: In case an election is required, ballots to be provided to GNCC members
March 21, 2022: Voting deadline
March 23, 2022: Voting results to be given to Nominating Committee
April 2022 (TBD): The successful candidates are announced at the annual general meeting

 If you would like to obtain more information, please contact Mishka Balsom at


Responsibilities & Expectations: 

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the GNCC. Its members represent a broad cross section of the business and professional leadership of the community.

As Directors and Officers, the proper performance of responsibility is vital to the overall effectiveness of the GNCC. The following outlines expectations and responsibilities of Board members.

  1. Attend monthly meetings of the Board and to dedicate time to reviewing prepared Board documents prior to meetings (10 meetings a year)
  2. Ability to work constructively with Board members, committee leaders, and members of the GNCC.
  3. Contribute business experience that enables sound judgement in considering the proposals coming before the Board as related to governance and policy development.
  4. Courage and ability to have an objective opinion and willingness to engage in constructive debate.
  5. A belief in building a stronger region through collaboration, leadership and consensus.

As directors and officers, the proper performance of your responsibility is vital to the sound and efficient operations of the GNCC.


Submit your nomination to the GNCC Board of Directors

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