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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Is radon exposure a hazard in your workplace?

Did you know that radon is a naturally occurring gas that can increase the risk of lung cancer? And did you know that it can be found in indoor workplaces? Find out if your workplace contains radon by participating in a study that’s underway!

Radon is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas that results from the breakdown of uranium in soil and rock. Basements, crawlspaces, and underground facilities may pose a higher risk of exposure since radon enters buildings through cracks in the foundation, pipe openings, and other places where the building has contact with and is open to the ground. Radon levels on the main floor of buildings may also be elevated if there is an entry point (e.g. cracks in the concrete slab) and ventilation is poor.

A group of researchers has launched a project measuring the levels of radon gas in small to medium sized workplaces in Ontario. Project results will help the researchers determine where levels are higher and what factors, such as building type and size, influence radon levels. This work will also help the researchers better understand how to target radon reduction efforts.

If your workplace is located in any of these 10 communities, you may be eligible to participate:

  • Brantford
  • Chatham-Kent
  • Elliot Lake
  • Guelph
  • Kingston
  • Ottawa
  • Sudbury
  • Toronto
  • Windsor
  • Woodstock

Why should my workplace participate?

Testing is the only way to know if radon levels in your workplace are higher than the Health Canada/WHO guidelines. If so, your employees may be at risk of lung cancer. Your workplace’s participation also presents an opportunity to contribute to scientific research in Canada and further our knowledge of radon.

What’s involved?

Participants will receive free radon testing.

The monitors will remain in place for three months. They are safe, do not emit radiation, are silent and do not require power.

Workplaces can withdraw from the project at any time. Results for individual locations will be kept private. The researchers will publish only high-level information, such as average radon levels for the entire health region. For workplaces with elevated levels, the researchers will share resources on how they can be reduced.

Who is leading this study?

This project is being conducted by researchers from the Occupational Cancer Research Centre, University of Toronto, Simon Fraser University, and the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada.

Find out more

For more information on the study, how to participate, or workplace precautions regarding radon contact Lily Yang at

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