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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Engage: She-Covery

The COVID-19 crisis is having a disproportionate economic impact on women, with women’s labour force participation rate falling to its lowest in 30 years. Existing systemic inequalities pre-pandemic have been further exacerbated by recent shut-down measures, resulting in what some economists are calling a “she-cession,” as more women have lost their jobs and fewer women than men are re-gaining employment. As Canada begins to re-open, we will examine the path of the she-covery and identify immediate and longer-term challenges — and opportunities.


Grace Eldajani
Vice Chair, Women in Niagara Council

Grace Eldajani is a Certified Events Manager at White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa in Niagara on the lake. Born and raised in Niagara Falls, she is a graduate from Niagara College with a Bachelor degree in Business with specific focus on hospitality and tourism operations.

She has worked in the Niagara tourism industry for 20 years and has held a number of management positions in various hotel operations. Grace acquired her Certified Meeting Planner (CMP) designation through the Events Industry Council and continued to move into Convention, Event planning, Management and Sales for large hotel properties throughout Niagara. Grace is Vice Chair of the Women in Niagara Council which is an advisory council to the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce with a focus on fostering the growth and success of women in business in Niagara. WIN Council is dedicated to advocating on behalf of women in business in Niagara to ensure we “build back better” as a community with a strong focus on the “she-covery” post pandemic.

In her spare time she enjoys traveling and spending time making memories with her husband and three daughters.


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