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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Daily Update: June 7

In this edition:

  • A look at Premier Ford’s new cabinet
  • Canada’s unemployment rate ticks up to 6.2 per cent in May
  • Niagara College’s top grads to receive prestigious General Academic Medals at Spring Convocation
  • Average asking rental price in Canada reaches record high
  • Focus on Human Resources

A look at Premier Ford’s new cabinet  

Yesterday, Ontario Premier Doug Ford shuffled and expanded his cabinet to 36 members, on the same day the legislature rose to take an extended break into October. This shuffle is the first for Mr. Ford in almost a year.

Most key ministers, retained their primary portfolios, including Sylvia Jones as deputy premier and Minister of Health, Paul Calandra as Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Peter Bethlenfalvy as Minister of Finance, Doug Downey as Attorney General, Caroline Mulroney as Treasury Board President and Minister of Francophone Affairs, and Prabmeet Sarkaria as Minister of Transportation.

However, Stephen Lecce has been named Minister of Energy and Electrification and the former energy minister, Todd Smith, has been named to Lecce’s former role as Minister of Education.

Click here for more details.

Canada’s unemployment rate ticks up to 6.2 per cent in May

Canada’s unemployment rate rose in May despite a gain of 27,000 jobs, Statistics Canada said today.

The unemployment rate now stands at 6.2 per cent, up a tick from 6.1 per cent the month previous. Canada’s population was growing at a pace faster than employers were adding jobs, StatCan said.

Gains in sectors including health care and social assistance, finance and real estate and food and accommodation were offset by losses in construction, transportation and warehousing and utilities last month.

Growth was wholly in part-time positions (up 62,000 jobs), according to the agency, whereas net full-time employment shrank (down 36,000 jobs).

Click here for more details.

Niagara College’s top grads to receive prestigious General Academic Medals at Spring Convocation

Two outstanding graduates, an inspiring Niagara College employee and alumna, and a passionate lifelong learner and healthcare professional, will be celebrated at NC’s Spring Convocation ceremonies for achieving the highest overall grade-point averages among the Spring Class of 2024.

For nearly 150 years, the Governor General’s Academic Medals have recognized the outstanding scholastic achievements of students in Canada. They are awarded to the student graduating with the highest average from a high school, as well as from approved college or university programs.

Click here for more details.

Average asking rental price in Canada reaches record high

The average asking rental price in Canada surpassed $2,200 to reach a record high in May, according to a new report.

Published Thursday by and Urbanation, a Toronto-based real estate research firm, the report found that the average monthly asking price for all residential rentals increased by 9.3 per cent year-over-year to hit $2,202 in May.

Vancouver continued to lead the country with the most expensive asking price for a one-bedroom rental at $2,671, followed by Burnaby, B.C. at $2,545, Toronto at $2,479 and Mississauga, Ont. at $2,339.

Click here for more details.

Did you know?

The International Air Transport Association raised its profit forecast for the airline industry and predicts record high revenue as travel soars.

Focus on Human Resources

Amid rising stress, more Canadians prioritizing financial well-being

HRReporter, Jim Wilson

Financial stress is becoming a problem for more and more Canadians, according to a recent report. Currently, 44 per cent of Canadians cite money as their top stressor, reports FP Canada.

Here are five ways employers can help workers deal with financial stress.

Click here to read more.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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