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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Igniting Professional Growth with Brave Performance Feedback That Works

Cultivating the skills and engagement of your team members means committing to providing performance feedback, including consistent informal feedback, as issues arise. But what happens when your team members become defensive and are resistant to hearing about areas they need to improve? Or when they struggle to sustainably integrate recommended changes to their job performance? And, equally as important, how confident and comfortable are you in addressing performance concerns?

In this session, we will delve into the art of providing performance feedback using an individualized, strengths-based, skill-building approach that fosters employee reflection and inspires improvement. You will gain the skills needed to engage in feedback conversations with confidence. You will also discover an effective feedback approach that will enable you to provide targeted support to resolve performance challenges more quickly and effectively, while fostering trust, collaboration, and professional growth in your organization.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Uncover the root cause of problems with employee performance more quickly.
  • Give feedback in a way that drives performance improvement and boosts productivity.
  • Address even the most sensitive of issues with confidence and success.
  • Implement a performance management approach that will build trust, collaboration, and professional growth.
  • Discovery key phrases you can use to prevent and/or de-escalate conflict during feedback conversations.

Date & Time:
January 31, 2024 9:30 am


Presented Via Webinar



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