May 19, 2017 | Submissions? email |
Niagara Chinese Business Council
Business Dinner
May 25, 2017 • 5:00pm—9:00pm
Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites St. Catharines Conference Centre
327 Ontario Street
St. Catharines
Lunch & Learn: The Winning Image For Sales
The Truth: Perception Is Reality.
May 30, 2017 • 12:00pm—1:30pm
Coppola’s Ristorante
203 Carlton St.,
St. Catharines
Business After 5:
June 6, 2017 • 4:30pm—7:30pm
Hilton Garden Inn
500 York Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake
FOCUS Management Round Table:
Business Execution Solutions
With Special Guest John Clark, MT Bellies
June 8, 2017 • 7:30am—9:30pm
White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa
253 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake
APRIL 2017
Please join us in welcoming the new members who joined in April 2017.
A Note from Hugo
This has been a busy week, thanks to the news about the Ontario Changing Workplaces Review recommendations.
At the GNCC, we stand for economic prosperity, for supporting business growth and job creation, and for evidence-based, data-driven decision making. With that in mind, we have a lot of reservations about these policies.
OCC Releases Statement Regarding Today’s Announcement on Burden Reduction for Small Business
On May 19, the Ontario Government announced their new measures to help small businesses and cut unnecessary red tape. The proposed measures will be introduced this fall.
The OCC is very encouraged by the announcement on burden reduction; cutting red tape for business has been a key component of the OCC’s advocacy work.
Make Your Voice Heard!
The spring survey is one of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s two annual policy surveys that help shape advocacy work for the coming year.
Last year, the results of Business Confidence Survey garnered considerable attention and increased the impact of the Ontario Economic Report.
GNCC Announces Bestowed Winners of the 2017 Niagara Business Achievement Awards
Dr. Robin Williams, a 2015 Order of Canada Inductee, has been named the Lifetime Achievement Award Winner for the 2017 NBAAs. Three other bestowed award winners have also been announced: Janet St. Amand, Patrick Little, and Mike Weir Winery
Join us on June 22 as we recognize our Bestowed Award Recipients and the winners of the 2017 Niagara Business Achievement Awards.
Flatwater Centre Prepares For Competition Season
The Welland International Flatwater Centre is scheduled to host over 30 competition events this year, and is becoming the venue of choice to conduct workshops and coaching development programs.
CanoeKayak Canada’s Western Ontario Division (WOD) recently conducted its annual safety program on the Welland Recreational Waterway to ensure the safety of thousands of athletes scheduled to compete at the WIFC this year.
Niagara Health recognizes Awards of Excellence recipients
Communications Specialist Lisa Pepperall is the 2017 recipient of Niagara Health’s top award. Lisa was recognized for her contributions in building Niagara Health’s new culture of extraordinary caring within the organization and in the community
In addition to the President’s Award, which recognizes overall outstanding performance, six additional awards were handed out to outstanding members of the Niagara Health team
Cruising on the Q takes Queen Street back to the glory days every Tuesday Night
On Tuesday nights beautiful Queen Street in Downtown Niagara Falls becomes a car enthusiast’s haven, attracting car owners and dreamers alike.
Every Tuesday through to the end of September, Queen Street is closed to regular traffic at 5 pm and becomes a stage for some of the most beautiful and powerful cars in Niagara to showcase their gems.
Employer Lunch and Learn: Sales and Marketing
Customers today are harder to reach than ever. Between trying to determine what media to use to trying to master the latest social media. Reaching potential customers is a huge guessing game that can cost you a lot of money and a ton of time.
Job Gym is hosting free Employer Lunch and Learns in partnership with Larry Anderson Consultants. Join them on May 25th for this interactive seminar in Welland.
NPCA Seeks Person Who Cares About Drinking Water
Applications are open for a public interest (general public) representative and a Commerce representative on the Niagara Peninsula Source Protection Committee, which protects sources of drinking water in Niagara Peninsula watersheds.
Read the roles & responsibilities of the position, or the committe formation notes.
OneFoundation gearing up for major campaign, name change
Although OneFoundation will soon be a memory, the recently appointed head of the organization that supports Niagara’s hospitals has big plans for the months and years to come.
Since taking the helm of the organization about five months ago, OneFoundation chief executive officer Roger Ali has been working towards some significant changes — including a new name.
Hotel Dieu Shaver Pasta Dinner
The 4th Annual Hotel Dieu Shaver Pasta Dinner returns on June 1 at a new location! All proceeds from the dinner and raffle will help purchase needed medical equipment for the hospital.
Club Roma will host this year’s pasta dinner. Tickets are $15 for all-you-can-eat pasta and meatballs.
Celebrating long weekend at Niagara Parks
Established during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Niagara Parks will celebrate the Victoria Day long weekend with a lineup of activities.
There will be fireworks over the illuminated falls Friday at 10 p.m., as well as on Sunday and Monday, weather permitting.
Please visit for more stories. Have a submission? Send it to
Updated Growth Plan and Greenbelt Plans released
Following two years of extensive consultation, the Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Natural Resources and Forestry have released four updated land use plans that will help residents in the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Niagara Escarpment area live, work and play in communities that are healthy, prosperous and sustainable.
These plans will protect our quality of life for generations to come and will help us prepare for a future in which the region is forecast to grow to 13.5 million by 2041
Canada’s Farmers and Food Producers Need Access to the World
There’s a big, hungry world out there with Canadian farmers and food producers ready to feed it — but federal government assistance to gain access to foreign markets is crucial to their success, a Senate committee said in a report released Tuesday, May 9, 2017.
“A little help from the federal government could mean the world to Canada’s farmers and food producers,” Senator Ghislain Maltais said at the launch of the committee’s report, Market Access: Giving Canadian Farmers and Processors the World.
OCC Calls on Federal Government to Support Nuclear Innovation
The Ontario Chamber Network has long recognized the important role of nuclear technology and its contribution to our economy.
On May 3, the OCC sent an open letter to Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, calling for continued leadership in nuclear innovation.
APRIL 2017
The following members renewed their membership in April for another year. Thank you for supporting the Chamber — and supporting business in Niagara.

If you’re thinking of adding group benefits to your company, there are a lot of good reasons to put your Chamber membership to work for you. Not the least is exclusivity: only members have access to the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan®.
To contact your local insurance rep, call Jim Garrett or Cindy Haines at 905-468-8575

Try the purest, freshest water available — one month absolutely FREE. Experience the taste of clean water AND discover why so many homes, schools, and businesses love H2Only… it’s the service. No contracts, no set schedules. You call, we deliver the following business day. That simple since 1995.
Contact: 905-934-0966

Many other Chamber of Commerce members feature discounts and special offers — tailored specifically for other GNCC members. Check out the full Member 2 Member database. If you’d like to add an offer for your company, sign in to your account. You can add and update your offer any time you wish.

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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce
One St. Paul St., Suite 103
St. Catharines, ON L2R 7L2 Canada Telephone: 905-684-2361 | Fax: 905-684-2100
Email: | Website:
Hours: Monday to Friday — 8:30am to 4:30pm