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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

Southbrook Vineyards is Helping to Save Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies, those beautiful pollinators that make a miraculous 4500 km migration from Canada to Mexico each fall, are considered a threatened species due to habitat loss. In Canada, these pollinators only lay their eggs on milkweed, as it provides the exclusive food for the larvae. Milkweed itself is in decline, largely due to farming practices such as the use of herbicides and the elimination of hedgerows.

To help, Southbrook would like to send you milkweed seeds picked from our vineyard to plant in your garden and help restore the habitat of the Monarch Butterfly.

How to get your seeds

If you are interested, you can order your seeds at no cost on Southbrook’s website. If you are local, stop by the winery to pick up your seeds.

Order Milkweed Seeds

Participated last year?

Southbrook would love to see your pictures! Send your pictures of Milkweed to or tag them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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