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Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

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Social exclusion experiences, and strategies to promote inclusion among immigrant women in the Niagara Region.

Principal Investigator: Dr. J. Crawford, Department of Nursing, Brock University

If you are a community service provider or support worker currently employed at a community organization that involves interacting with immigrant women in the Niagara Region, I would like to invite you to participate in this community-based study. The purpose of this research is to learn from the perspectives of community service providers/support workers working with immigrant communities, specifically immigrant women, about social exclusion and inclusion in the Niagara Region. Social inclusion reflects the outcome of an individual being engaged in community activities and experiencing equal access to opportunities including material, psychosocial and political domains to achieve health and wellness. Social exclusion focuses on the “structure and dynamic processes of inequality” that exclude some groups from participating in community because of inequitable access to social, economic, political and cultural resources. This research aims to benefit immigrant women in the Niagara community as we hope to develop strategies or programs that support social inclusion. You will be asked about programs/services or specific activities that are available at your organization that aim to promote social inclusion among immigrant women, where immigrant women feel a sense of community belonging and connected to their community or Canadian society. You will answer questions about the specific and unique need for social inclusion activities for immigrant women in Niagara.  As well, you will be asked about the structural processes of social exclusion, details of local program/services or activities, and promising interventions and processes that support social inclusion.  Should you choose to participate, you will be asked to take part in a short survey, and you will be asked if you would be interested in a follow-up interview held online or by telephone with one of our research team members. The expected duration of the online survey is 4 – 8 minutes. If you wish to participate in a follow-up interview, this requires 30 – 60 minutes of your time.

You are not obligated to participate in this study. This is only an invitation, and you are welcome to complete the survey or contact Joanne Crawford ( if you have any questions about the survey. This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Research Ethics Board at Brock University (File # 20-238). If you have any comments or concerns about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Office of Research Ethics at (905) 688-5550 ext. 3035 or at

If you agree to participate, please complete the survey by clicking on the link; it is accessible by computer or a mobile device.

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