Join the Trade Accelerator Program

Do you want to grow your business?

World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara, in partnership with the World Trade Centre Toronto, RBC, EDC, BDC, and the Government of Canada, are pleased to host again Canada’s Trade Accelerator Program (TAP) in the Niagara region beginning on February 2nd, 2022.

TAP is an innovative and award-winning program specifically designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises leverage sales into international markets by creating a strategic growth plan. The program is highly interactive and hands-on that sets you and your business up with direct mentorship, highly personalized coaching by industry experts, high-level peer-to-peer interaction, collaboration, and learning.

TAP graduates’ results speak for themselves:

  • 18% – The average growth in their export revenue one year after completing the program
  • 96% of graduates declared themselves to be better prepared to do business internationally
  • 42% of companies secured additional financing since graduating the program, with an average of $2.04 million in additional financing received per company

Learn more at

Application close on January 28th.

Apply for the Agriculture, Food & Beverage Cohort

Apply for the Travel & Tourism Cohort

Apply for the Creative Cohort

Apply for the Technology Cohort

See what TAP alumni have to say about the program:

What is the Trade Accelerator Program (TAP)? from Toronto Region Board of Trade on Vimeo.

TAP Success Story: Paterson Composites from Toronto Region Board of Trade on Vimeo.

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Daily Update: January 11, 2022

Reconnect Ontario 2022 now open for applications, with up to $20 million in funding available to businesses.

Reconnect Ontario 2022 now open for applications

The Government of Ontario is supporting organizations (including local municipalities) across the province that are finding new, innovative ways to safely reconnect Ontarians – helping them to engage with their communities and creating local employment opportunities.

Reconnect Ontario supports festivals and events that deliver innovative and safe experiences, while creating opportunities that encourage Ontarians to safely reconnect and experience all their local communities have to offer. Funding may be used for expenses such as programming and production, promotion, mobile applications and website development, and implementation of health and safety measures.

Click here for more details about the program and to apply.

Niagara Medical Officer of Health to offer COVID-19 briefing

Niagara’s Acting Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Mustafa Hirji, will deliver a briefing on COVID-19 in partnership with the GNCC on January 18. Dr. Hirji will also take questions from the audience.

Click here to register and submit your questions for Dr. Hirji.

Government of Canada announces call for proposals under the Women Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Fund

Today, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development, announced a call for proposals for new projects under the Women Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Fund, one of the initiatives of the $6 billion Women Entrepreneurship Strategy (WES).

To date, the WES Ecosystem Fund has invested $100 million in 52 projects that are helping close service gaps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem for women, particularly in areas such as mentorship, networking and skills development. From 2020 to 2021, the Ecosystem Fund has helped over 5,000 women start a new business and over 7,000 women grow their existing business.

Under this new call for proposals, $25 million is available for projects that aim to remove systemic barriers and create more equal access to the resources that intersectionally diverse and underserved women in business need to succeed.

To be considered, projects must be led by non-profit organizations, be national or multi-regional in scope, and be focused on intersectionally diverse and/or underserved women entrepreneurs.

Click here for more information.

Click here to apply.

Tourism Industry Association of Ontario launches survey on challenges facing tourism businesses in 2022

In the coming weeks, the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) will be meeting with a variety of government ministers, opposition critics, MPPs and MPs to detail the very latest information regarding the state of the tourism industry in Ontario.

As they head into these meetings, TIAO has underscored the importance of empirical information that helps us fill the gaps of support. Any tourism businesses are invited to complete the survey and help TIAO to advance their interests with the provincial and federal governments.

Please click here to fill out the survey.

Ontario schools will reopen for in-person learning on Monday, premier’s office says

Schools across Ontario will reopen for in-person learning next Monday, a spokesperson for Premier Doug Ford has confirmed.

“As planned and previously announced, students will return to in-person learning on Monday, January 17,” Ford’s director of media relations Ivana Yelich said in an email.

The Toronto Star first reported the news on Monday night.

Last week, amid surging COVID-19 cases fuelled by the Omicron variant, the Ontario government moved all publicly funded and private schools to remote learning.

Click here for more information.

Reading Recommendations

Quebec to impose ‘significant’ financial penalty against people who refuse to get vaccinated

CTV News

Quebec Premier François Legault announced the province will apply a “significant” financial penalty for residents who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19 for non-medical reasons.

The premier made the announcement at a news conference Tuesday afternoon, describing the measure as a “health-care contribution,” though the exact amount has not yet been determined.

The province is consulting with the finance minister and its legal advisers about implementing the measure, but Legault already said $50 or $100 “is not significant” enough for him.

Canadian bank CEOs weigh in on uncertain economic outlook in 2022

Financial Post

The head of Canada’s largest bank says uncertainty wrought by the Omicron variant is making it difficult to generate economic forecasts, as the country struggles with rising COVID-19 hospitalizations, employee absences and new lockdown measures.

RBC chief executive Dave McKay made the comments Monday at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference, which brought together the chief executive officers of Canada’s top banks, as well as their primary federal regulator, the head of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI).

That uncertainty, McKay said, has made it more difficult to chart a course for the Canadian economy in 2022, though he stressed it wasn’t cause for alarm.

Featured Content

Leadership & Culture Change

Pollice Consulting Group

As the global community began to emerge from the COVID – 19 pandemic, along came the Omicron variant challenging business leaders to re craft the foundation in which their organization must confront unstructured and undefined challenges in a very difficult and unpredictable world.  If COVID taught us anything on a personal basis it taught us that; life is short, your savings can save you and wealth is health. On a business level COVID taught us that businesses that are not flexible and adaptable risk becoming obsolete.

Most leaders that I have spoken with understand that transformation is imperative in staying in the race over the next two to three years because it creates the foundation to build organizational success however, research shows that few leaders understand the connection between corporate transformation and culture change. A recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found that organizations that focused on culture change were five times more likely to achieve future success. Culture change supports changes in organizational behaviors, norms and the transformation process because it is designed to improve organizational efficiencies, client relations and innovation.

Niagara COVID-19 statistics tracker

Niagara COVID vaccination tracker

Free rapid COVID-19 testing kits are now available to businesses. Visit to learn more and reserve kits for your organization.

For information on rapid testing kits for individuals, click here.

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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Daily Update: January 10, 2022

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday advised against travel to Canada due to rising COVID-19 cases.

U.S. CDC advises Americans to avoid travel to Canada

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday advised against travel to Canada because of a rising number of COVID-19 cases.

The CDC elevated its travel recommendation to “Level Four: Very High” for Canada, telling Americans they should avoid travel to its northern neighbor. The CDC currently lists about 80 destinations worldwide at Level Four. It also raised the island of Curaçao to Level Four on Monday.

The United States in November lifted restrictions at its land borders with Canada and Mexico for fully vaccinated foreign nationals, ending historic curbs on non-essential travelers in place since March 2020 to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

Canada remains one of the top foreign destinations for Americans.

Click here for more information.

Tourism spending in Canada up in Q3 2021

Tourism spending rises

Tourism spending in Canada rose 28% in the third quarter, following a 3.3% increase in the previous quarter. Tourism gross domestic product (GDP) rose 31%, while employment attributable to tourism grew by 18%. Statistics Canada finds that this growth likely occurred as a result of pandemic restrictions easing throughout the third quarter, with the number of people with two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine doubling from the beginning of July to the end of September. Fully vaccinated travellers from the United States were allowed entry into Canada for non-essential travel beginning on August 9, 2021, while the remainder of international discretionary travellers were allowed entry on September 7.

Food and beverage services (+35.8%), accommodation (+27.0%) and recreation and entertainment (+69.3%) saw significant growth in the third quarter. Spending by Canadians was up 21%, but spending by international travellers increased by 247%.

All figures are still significantly below pre-pandemic levels, however, and the return of restrictions in response to the Omicron variant will likely stunt regrowth in Q4 2021 and Q1 2022.

Click here for more information.

27,585 excess deaths in Canada reported from March 2020 to October 2021

Based on provisional data released today, an estimated 27,585 excess deaths were reported in Canada from March 2020 to the beginning of October 2021—6.3% more deaths than what would be expected were there no pandemic—after accounting for changes in the population, such as aging. Over this same period, 26,750 deaths occurred that were directly attributed to COVID-19.

To understand both the direct and indirect consequences of the pandemic, it is important to measure excess mortality, which occurs when there are more deaths than expected in a given period. It should be noted that, even without a pandemic, there is always some year-to-year variation in the number of people who die in a given week. This means that the number of expected deaths should fall within a certain range of values. There is evidence of excess mortality when weekly deaths are consistently higher than the expected number, but especially when they exceed the range of what is expected over several consecutive weeks.

Click here for more information.

Reading Recommendations

Could a new tax on homes worth $1M and up help fix Canada’s housing crisis?

CBC News

With home prices in Canada’s most expensive markets going up at a dizzying pace, a Vancouver-based think-tank is proposing a new tax on homes valued at over $1 million to help bridge the affordability gap.

Although Canada’s housing market went ice cold when the pandemic began in March 2020, it soon came roaring back and spent much of 2021 on fire. Average prices across the country rose to their highest level on record at more than $720,000 in November, and despite those high prices, the year smashed the annual sales record, too, with more than 630,000 homes changing hands.

The torrid pace has prompted fears of a painful comeuppance if the market goes off the rails, but so far none of the targeted solutions suggested so far — from taxes on vacant homes, flippers and foreign investors to an end to blind bidding — have managed to slow the runaway freight train where they’ve been tried.

New numbers this week from Canada’s two most expensive housing markets, Toronto and Vancouver, show those market pushing further into the stratosphere.

Canada isn’t responding with foresight when it comes to COVID-19

The Conversation

Global problems require global solutions. With COVID-19, however, we’re seeing that our governance mechanisms don’t drive global solutions even when our lives depend on it.

This is a problem because it will lead to diminishing trust in public institutions and a dragged-out pandemic response, as we fail to prevent deaths, long-term disability and lasting economic hardship of millions.

To end this pandemic, Canada must act with foresight, but what does that mean?

Niagara COVID-19 statistics tracker

Niagara COVID vaccination tracker

Free rapid COVID-19 testing kits are now available to businesses. Visit to learn more and reserve kits for your organization.

For information on rapid testing kits for individuals, click here.

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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Daily Update: January 7, 2022

Ontario has announced a grant for small businesses subject to closure under the modified Roadmap to Reopen beginning January 5, 2022.

Government of Ontario announces new business support

Ontario COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant

The Ontario COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant is for small businesses that are subject to closure under modified Step Two of Roadmap to Reopen beginning January 5, 2022. It will provide eligible small businesses with a one-time grant payment of $10,000.

Eligible small businesses will include:

  • Restaurants and bars
  • Facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities (including fitness centres and gyms)
  • Performing arts venues and cinemas, museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos, science centres, landmarks, historic sites, botanical gardens and similar attractions
  • Meeting or event spaces
  • Tour and guide services
  • Conference centres and convention centres.

Eligible businesses that qualified for the Ontario Small Business Support Grant and that are subject to closure under modified Step Two of Roadmap to Reopen will be pre-screened to verify eligibility and will not need to apply to the new program. Newly established and newly eligible small businesses will need to apply once the application portal opens in the coming weeks. Small businesses who qualify can expect to receive their payment in February.

Electricity Rate Relief Support

For 21 days, starting at 12:01 am on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, electricity prices will be set 24 hours a day at the current off-peak rate of 8.2 cents per kilowatt-hour, which is less than half the cost of the current on-peak rate. The off-peak rate will apply automatically to residential, small businesses and farms who pay regulated rates set by the Ontario Energy Board and get a bill from a utility and will benefit customers on both Time-of-Use and Tiered rate plans. This will provide immediate savings for families, small businesses and farms as all Ontarians work together to slow the spread of the Omicron variant.

Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program

Online applications for the Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program will open on January 18. This program will provide eligible businesses that are required to close or reduce capacity with rebate payments for up to 100 per cent of the property tax and energy costs they incur while subject to public health measures in response to the Omicron variant.

Eligible businesses required to close for indoor activities, such as restaurants and gyms, will receive a rebate payment equivalent to 100 per cent of their costs. Those required to reduce capacity to 50 per cent, such as smaller retail stores, will receive a rebate payment equivalent to 50 per cent of their costs. A complete list of eligible businesses will be provided prior to the launch of the application portal.

Improving Cash Flow for Ontario Businesses

The government is providing up to $7.5 billion through a six-month interest- and penalty-free period starting January 1, 2022 for Ontario businesses to make payments for most provincially administered taxes.

The Province continues to call on the federal government to match provincial tax deferral efforts by allowing small businesses impacted by public health restrictions to  defer their HST remittances for a period of six months.

Read the Government of Ontario’s media release here.

GNCC welcomes new business supports, but some in need are ineligible

The GNCC today issued a media release regarding new supports for businesses affected by COVID-related restrictions and closures.

These included the Ontario COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant for small businesses subject to closure under the modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen. It will provide eligible small businesses with a grant payment of $10,000.

Additional reductions to electricity costs were also announced along with a rebate program.

“This grant will be a significant help to businesses that have been forced to close owing to COVID-related restrictions, and it is most welcome at this difficult time,” said Mishka Balsom, CEO of the GNCC. “However, the program does not cover all the businesses that were restricted on January 3rd, and many will be without help.”

Examples of businesses that will be severely impacted but are ineligible for the relief grant include food suppliers for restaurants, or hair salons and other personal services currently working at 50% capacity.

Additionally, property tax deferrals and energy bill relief are only useful to those businesses which own their premises and/or pay their own energy bills. For businesses that rent a property, the program relies on the goodwill of a landlord to pass the savings on.

The GNCC has called on the Government of Ontario to extend relief to all affected businesses under the Reopening Ontario Act regulations of January 3rd.

Click here to read the GNCC’s letter to the Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance.

Government of Canada extends eligibility for Lockdown Program and Worker Lockdown Benefit

Today, through regulatory authorities that were approved with the passage of Bill C-2, the Government of Canada announced its intent to temporarily expand the definition of a lockdown so that wage and rent support programs will apply to workers and businesses that see capacity restricted by 50 per cent or more.

If you are an employer who has to reduce the capacity of your main business by 50 per cent or more, you will be eligible for the wage and rent subsidy support through the Local Lockdown Program.

The Government of Canada is also lowering the revenue decline threshold from 40 per cent to 25 per cent. Eligible employers will receive wage and rent subsidy support from 25 per cent up to 75 per cent, depending on how much revenue they have lost. An organization only needs to demonstrate revenue loss during the current month, compared with 2019.

Employers will be able to apply for these expanded support programs after the end of each program period, in exactly the same way that they received wage and rent subsidy support when those programs were launched.

Click here to read the Deputy Prime Minister’s remarks.

Click here for more information including how to apply.

Niagara sees employment rate drop in late 2021

Today’s update from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey shows that Niagara saw an overall employment decrease between November and December 2021. Locally, Niagara Workforce Planning Board noted declines in both the participation and employment rates alongside an increase in the unemployment rate. This contrasts the unemployment rate decreases seen provincially and nationally.

These data reflect trends from the week of December 5-11, 2021. Since these data were collected, a variety of pandemic-related changes have occurred, including a provincial shift into a modified Stage 2 of pandemic response due to the spread of the Omicron variant.

Trends to Consider

  • Given what we have seen in terms of employment-related impacts of past shutdowns, it will be important to examine potential employment impacts to cohorts we have seen be more impacted throughout prior shutdowns or restrictions (e.g., women and youth); sectors that have been heavily impacted such as accommodations and food services, and wholesale and retail trade; and any potential impacts to sectors such as health care and social assistance, and educational services.
  • Discussion around potential labour shortages have been ongoing. In Niagara, December 2021 displayed a decrease in the labour force size which means there were fewer people employed or actively searching for work; however, the unemployment rate increased indicating that a larger portion of individuals in the labour force are still seeking employment. Provincially we see that many industries had a decrease in the unemployment rate between November and December 2021 (Table 1). For example, across Ontario the unemployment rate in manufacturing decreased to 2.4% with an increase in employment of over 20,000 individuals which indicates high demand for workers in this sector, and demonstrates the tight labour market.
  • Another factor to consider are impacts to individuals’ ability to participate in the labour force due to either temporary sector shutdowns/layoffs or being unable to work due to potential infection with COVD-19. Related to this could be work absences where national level data indicate that the total number of days lost per worker increased throughout 2020 and 2021 compared to prior years (Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0196-01 )

Click here for more information.

Town of Lincoln launches business support telephone line

The Town of Lincoln has launched a business support line to assist our business community during the Omicron wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the return to a modified version of Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen, the Town wants to further support the business community with any questions or concerns related to their business and the COVID-19 pandemic. Lincoln staff are ready to provide information and assistance to businesses in need.

If you have questions or concerns about your business and the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact the Business Support Phone Line at 905.563.2799 ext. 518. The Business Support Phone Line is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Click here for more information.

Port Colborne accepting grant applications for non-profit organizations

The City of Port Colborne is accepting the first round of grant applications from non-profit organizations until Monday, Jan. 31, 2022.

The granting committee distributes approximately $30,000 annually to non-profit organizations, charitable organizations, and service organizations that benefit the citizens of Port Colborne and enhance the quality of life of the community.

The second due date for applications in 2022 is June 30, 2022; however, organizations can only apply once in a fiscal period.

To download the grant application, visit the city’s website. For more information about the application process and/or grant policy committee, call Nancy Giles, EA to Mayor and CAO at 905-835-2900 x 301 or email

Reading Recommendations

Execs fear omicron’s impact on employee retention, hiring

Canadian HR Reporter

Most business leaders in the U.S. — 87 per cent — believe their organization could endure an outbreak of the omicron variant of COVID-19.

Eighty-six per cent feel that existing policies and procedures aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace gave them confidence, finds a survey by SHRM (the Society for Human Resource Management).

“Clearly, this variant is causing significant disruptions across the economy, and business leaders must continue taking steps to protect employees and their families and retain talent,” said Johnny Taylor, Jr., SHRM president and CEO.

“Despite the anxiety, there is good news. Employers are confident the hard work of the last few years — all the planning and safety protocols — will help get them through the twists and turns of the pandemic.”

Nearly 500 employees at the City of Toronto have lost their jobs because of the municipality’s vaccine mandate.

Until we address chronic underfunding, Canada will keep failing at emergency management

The Conversation

The COVID-19 pandemic is different from the disasters Canadians are more familiar with. The public’s confusion partly stems from the fact that the pandemic doesn’t follow the usual pattern of news media coverage featuring stories about first responders dealing with the immediate harm and damage, and then moving on to the next story.

Instead we’ve had almost two years of public health and safety orders that have dramatically changed the way we work, travel and live. While requiring evacuation during a flood or wildfire is common sense, we’ve been dealing with emergency orders that vary across the country, come and go with each wave and have divided communities.

These emergency orders expose how disasters unfold and the status of the emergency management system in Canada. Some of the characters are familiar, like mayors and fire chiefs, while others are equally important even though they are seldom talked about. To understand the role of these emergency managers, we need to understand disasters.

Niagara COVID-19 statistics tracker

Niagara COVID vaccination tracker

Free rapid COVID-19 testing kits are now available to businesses. Visit to learn more and reserve kits for your organization.

For information on rapid testing kits for individuals, click here.

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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Niagara Falls Convention Centre Renamed to Celebrate Iconic Destination

 Beginning December 29, 2021, one of Niagara Falls Canada’s most important economic and cultural centres will be renamed the Niagara Falls Convention Centre as the naming rights expire for the landmark event, meeting and convention venue formerly referred to as the Scotiabank Convention Centre. 

“The Niagara Falls Convention Centre name celebrates our iconic location in the world among Canada’s, North America’s and the world’s top destinations for both leisure travellers and business events. We are well-positioned to welcome back clients who are eager to return to our world-class venue and city,” said Noel Buckley, President and General Manager, Niagara Falls Convention Centre. “The Niagara Falls Convention Centre is extremely grateful to Scotiabank for their long-term partnership and contribution to our success and our community during our mutually rewarding 10-year partnership term.” 

Opened in 2011, the Niagara Falls Convention Centre (NFCC) solidified Niagara Falls’ coveted reputation as one of Canada’s top international meeting and convention destinations. A world-class facility, the NFCC is the Niagara region’s largest meeting and event venue with over 300,000 sq ft of flexible space. The NFCC is located within the Fallsview Entertainment District, only 250 steps away from the majestic Falls themselves and walking distance to more than 4,000 hotel rooms. 

The Niagara Falls Convention Centre is a significant economic driver. Over the last decade the NFCC has hosted thousands of international and national conventions, meetings, concerts and events including the Assembly of First Nations, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, national and provincial political conventions and countless national corporate conventions. The versatile space has acted as a film and television studio and beginning January 6, 2022, will be a major vaccination location for the community. 

With all that Niagara Falls offers, the NFCC attracts repeat events where gathering in the city becomes an eagerly anticipated tradition for many organizations. Since opening, the NFCC has welcomed millions of guests including the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario and a who’s who of high-profile music and entertainment celebrities. In a city with a population of 80,000 where a significant number of residents work in hospitality, the NFCC is a major employer for Niagara Falls and the Niagara Region. 

Quick Facts 

  • Niagara Falls Convention Centre (NFCC) first opened in 2011 
  • The NFCC is the largest event venue in Niagara Falls and the Niagara Region with 300,000 sq ft of flexible spaces, with meeting rooms, multi-purpose ballrooms and theatre. Maximum capacity is 6,750 
  • The NFCC is 250 steps away from the world-famous Falls – Canadian Horseshoe, American and Bridal Veil 
  • The NFCC is walking distance to 4,000 hotel rooms in Niagara Falls and the city’s most popular attractions and experiences. 
  • Niagara Falls Canada has more than 14,000 hotel rooms including world-class brands and independently owned properties. Niagara Falls, Ontario borders New York State and is located within a one-day drive to over half the population of North America and within a one-hour drive of 4 major airports including 3 international airports 
  • Niagara Falls is home to one of Canada’s hottest wine and culinary scenes with world-class wineries, fresh local produce and top chefs redefining farm-to-table to create unforgettable dining experiences 
  • Niagara Falls is Canada’s entertainment capital offering four seasons of fun with unmatched experiences and options for leisure time from ziplining, cycling, hiking to world-class wineries and a major golf destination 

About Niagara Falls Convention Centre | 

Niagara Falls Convention Centre is the region’s largest meetings and events facility. Steps away from the famous waterfalls, this state-of-the-art venue boasts more than 300,000 sq. ft. of open, flexible space. With close proximity to three international airports, world-renowned wineries and over 4,000 branded guest rooms, we make doing business easy. 

Instagram @NFCCevents
Twitter @NFCCevents
Facebook Niagara Falls Convention Centre 

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Customer Service Agent (Ministry of Government and Consumer Services)

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is actively recruiting for the position of Customer Service Agent, in Oshawa, Peterborough, North Bay, Toronto, Guelph and St. Catharines, Ontario.

If you are interested in this position or you know of any qualified individuals you think would be interested in this position, please feel free to forward the attached advertisement.

PLEASE NOTE:  All of the job information can be found on the job ad and to apply applicants will have to go online at  or and you must enter the JOB ID# 174636 in the search field to locate and apply to the competition.

The attached job ad has step by step instructions on how to apply.  The Ontario Public Service has a unique process and so we would also ask that you review the “OPS Resume preparation Guide” and ensure you clearly demonstrate how your skills, knowledge and abilities relate to the qualifications listed in the job ad.

Please ensure your cover letter and resume are submitted as one document and is not longer than 5 pages.

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Daily Update: January 6, 2022

From January 10, 2022, essential workers will be eligible for free emergency child care. Check to see if you qualify.

Ontario accelerating boosters for education and child care staff, will provide free childcare for essential workers

To accelerate access to vaccines, starting January 7, the provincial mass vaccination clinic at the International Centre in Mississauga will support priority booking for education staff, including educators, custodial staff, administrative staff, school bus drivers, and child care staff in the GTHA.

Starting January 10, 2022, essential workers will be eligible for free emergency child care. To confirm whether or not your family is eligible for access to emergency child care, please contact your local service system manager. See a full list of eligible workers.

Click here for more information.

Vaccine clinic to be held in Lincoln Community Centre on January 9 by appointment only

The GO-VAXX Mobile Bus Clinic is coming back to Lincoln on Sunday, January 9, 2022. The clinic at the Lincoln Community Centre will administer the COVID-19 vaccine for first, second, and booster doses, as well as the paediatric Pfizer vaccine for children aged five to 11.

Please note that GO-VAXX mobile bus clinics are now by appointment only. Walk-ins will not be accepted.

To book an appointment:

  • Visit the COVID-19 vaccination portal or call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900.
  • The clinic will be available for booking on Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. Once appointments are full, the GO-VAXX location will be removed as an option from the provincial booking site

Click here for more information.

Ontario Chamber network issues united call for better business support

After consultation and input from Ontario’s Chambers of Commerce on a call yesterday, including the GNCC, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) has presented the Ontario Minister of Finance with a list of requests on behalf of Ontario’s 157 chambers and boards of trade.

The GNCC made several of these suggestions independently before the holiday, and hopes that the added weight of the entire Ontario chamber network will help illustrate the urgency of this need for affected businesses.

The requests include:

  • Extend the Small Business Support Grant for a third round targeted towards all businesses whose revenues are directly and/or indirectly impacted by current public health restrictions, including those previously eligible for the Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant.
  • Work with the federal government to increase rental subsidies provided under the newly expanded Local Lockdown Program.
  • Immediately open the recently announced portal which would allow businesses to access rebates for property taxes and utilities.
  • Expand access to rapid antigen tests and PCR testing, with priority given to Ontarians unable to work from home.
  • Work with financial institutions and the federal government to forgive loans for businesses most severely impacted by public health restrictions.
  • Offer an additional grant to businesses required to implement the government’s enhanced vaccine certification protocols and to cover increased pandemic-related expenses.
  • Develop a consistent plan that outlines how the Province intends to respond to the next stages of the pandemic and support those impacted by public health measures.

Click here to read the letter (PDF link).

Reading Recommendations

Royal Bank tells staff to keep working remotely


Royal Bank of Canada has advised all employees in regions including Ontario and Quebec to work remotely if their jobs allow, following advice from these provincial governments, a spokesperson said in a statement late on Wednesday.

Royal Bank, unlike some rivals, did not provide a firm return-to-office date, and leaders had encouraged employees to work from home in December, according to the emailed statement.

In the past week, both Ontario and Quebec announced renewed restrictions amid a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant.

With so many cryptocurrencies, why do any of them have value?

CBC News

A financial report this week celebrated the launch of yet another cryptocurrency, this time a new LGBTQ-focused coin that aims to “fight against homophobia.”

If it takes off, the maricoin, a name which, as Reuters reported, is derived from a Spanish language homophobic slur, may be the kind of niche token that will survive in a very competitive field. Its founders hope so.

With fortunes having been made by many who have introduced coins of their own, there is certainly plenty of competition. But for people turning their hard-earned money into crypto tokens, that raises a bothersome question.

Even if crypto tokens really do have a use and a real-world value — something that remains disputed — and if those tokens can be reproduced infinitely, which blockchain mathematicians say they can, why are so many being traded as if they were in short supply?

Niagara COVID-19 statistics tracker

Niagara COVID vaccination tracker

Free rapid COVID-19 testing kits are now available to businesses. Visit to learn more and reserve kits for your organization.

For information on rapid testing kits for individuals, click here.

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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Daily Update: January 5, 2022

Fort Erie Urgent Care Centre temporarily closed

Effective Thursday, January 6, at 11 p.m., Niagara Health is temporarily closing the Urgent Care Centre at their Fort Erie Site in order to redeploy emergency-trained physicians and nurses to Emergency Departments (ED) where they are most needed.

Visits to Urgent Care Centres are not life-threatening and can usually be attended to in primary care settings. Members of the community seeking healthcare should first contact their primary care provider. The Urgent Care Centre in Port Colborne remains open, and people can also access virtual urgent care services at In an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest Emergency Department. For more information, please visit the Niagara Health website at

The Town of Fort Erie has expressed concern over the temporary closure, stating that it does not support the decision to temporarily close Fort Erie’s Urgent Care Centre (UCC) due to staff shortages without consulting Town representatives first.

Click here for more information.

St. Catharines launches Design District and website

The City of St. Catharines is partnering with home design, construction, retail and manufacturing businesses to launch the Design District, a one-stop destination for design, building and renovation needs in the city. Conveniently located next to the QEW, the Design District encompasses a cluster of businesses spanning the area between Welland Avenue, Cushman Road, Dieppe Road and Eastchester Avenue. The well-established area of the city is known for its home and design-related businesses.

The website can be viewed at, where businesses wanting to be listed or with questions can also submit their inquiries.

Click here for more information.

NPCA issues flood warning for Lake Erie shoreline

A Wind Warning issued by Environment Canada forecasts strong southwest winds with potential gusts approaching 90km/hr, beginning this afternoon. These strong southwest winds will increase water levels and waves along the Lake Erie Shoreline.

The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry predict that Lake Erie water levels will increase by 90cm (2.9 feet) above current levels to an elevation of approximately 175.7m at Port Colborne and Fort Erie. Moderate wave heights of 1.6m (5.3 feet) are also forecast to occur during this time. The water level is expected to peak around 7:00pm tonight.

Residents and businesses along Lake Erie should pay close attention to water levels and waves in their area and are urged stay away from the shoreline of Lake Erie during this event. Increased erosion and flooding due to the storm surge and strong waves is likely.

Click here for more information.

Niagara College extends online course delivery until February 25

Prior to the break, Niagara College announced the temporary shift of some program elements to online delivery until January 28. Given the latest data and projections provided by government, and to ensure students and employees have as much certainty as possible for the start of term, this change in delivery has been extended to February 25, which is the last day of classes before the mid-term break. While the College remains hopeful that the second half of the term will allow for an increase in on-campus learning, that decision will depend on the available data and government and public health guidance and direction at the time.

Click here for more information.

Reading Recommendations

From airlines and restaurants to slaughterhouses, Canada’s worker shortage is spreading rapidly

CBC News

An intensifying labour shortage is rippling through the economy, forcing businesses to curtail operations, reduce hours and in some cases, euthanize livestock.

The situation is a result of a chronic worker shortage worsened by the crush of new COVID-19 cases forcing many into isolation. School closures have also left some workers scrambling for child care and unable to go into work.

The result is rising absenteeism, prompting airlines to cancel flights, drugstores to close early and restaurants to move to takeout only.

Canada urged to create surtax on $1-million homes to reign in prices, fund affordable housing

CTV News

A new report on housing affordability is calling for a surtax on homes worth more than $1 million as a way to reign in skyrocketing home prices and fund affordable housing projects.

The report was published by Vancouver-based non-profit Generation Squeeze and received funding from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) as part of the federal government’s National Housing Strategy, which allocates money for housing policy researchers.

The proposal would establish an annual surtax starting at 0.2 per cent for houses worth more than $1 million and then increasing to 0.5 per cent and one per cent for more expensive homes.

Niagara COVID-19 statistics tracker

Niagara COVID vaccination tracker

Free rapid COVID-19 testing kits are now available to businesses. Visit to learn more and reserve kits for your organization.

For information on rapid testing kits for individuals, click here.

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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Daily Update: January 4, 2022

The Ontario government is temporarily moving the province into Step Two of its Roadmap to Reopen with modifications.

Ontario temporarily moves to Step Two of Roadmap to Reopen

In response to recent trends that show an alarming increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations, the Ontario government is temporarily moving the province into Step Two of its Roadmap to Reopen with modifications.

Unlike other variants throughout the pandemic, evolving data is showing that while the Omicron variant is less severe, its high transmissibility has resulted in a larger number of hospital admissions relative to ICU admissions. Staff absenteeism is also expected to rise and affect operations in workplaces across Ontario due to Omicron infection and exposure, including in hospitals and schools.

Click here to see a list of measures now in effect.

Click here to read the Government of Ontario’s media release.

Niagara Health asks public to help relieve pressure on emergency departments

Niagara Health is seeing a high number of patients in our Emergency Departments (ED) who do not need this level of healthcare and could access the right level of care through their family physician or other primary care provider.

A significant number of these people are seeking a COVID-19 test and have mild or no symptoms. In these cases, people should stay home and rest while self-isolating to limit the spread of this highly contagious virus. Patients should reach out to their primary care provider for help managing symptoms at home, if needed.

Demand for COVID-19 testing in Niagara is currently very high and continues to increase. Niagara Health is prioritizing tests for those at greatest risk, including healthcare workers and emergency responders.

Visit the Niagara Region Public Health website for testing options in our region.

Click here for more information.

Government of Canada launches applications for the expanded Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit 

The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, announced on December 30 that the expanded access to CWLB is now in effect and Canadians in designated regions affected by lockdowns or qualifying capacity restrictions can apply for the benefit.

Currently, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador and Nunavut are included in the list of designated lockdown regions. This list will be updated as provincial or territorial governments introduce changes to public health restrictions.

Click here for more information.

Minimum wage in Ontario rises to $15/hr

The Ontario government has raised the general minimum wage to $15.00 per hour starting today. This new, higher general minimum wage is expanded to now include bartenders and alcohol servers. The special minimum wages for students under 18, homeworkers and hunting, fishing and wilderness guides have also increased.

Click here for more information.

Ontario updates COVID-19 testing and tracing protocols

Key changes include the following:

  • Symptomatic testing will be available for high-risk individuals, and individuals who work in high-risk settings.
  • Individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are presumed positive and they should follow isolation and/or self-monitoring guidelines.
  • Testing for asymptomatic contacts of cases is generally no longer recommended, except for high-risk contacts/individuals that are part of confirmed or suspected outbreaks in high-risk settings, as recommended by public health.
  • Positive rapid antigen tests will no longer require PCR confirmation.
  • Individuals with COVID-19 should isolate for five days if they are fully vaccinated or under the age of 12, and if their symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours.

Click here for more information.

Reading Recommendations

Burning Questions: Will oil prices soar or crash and burn in 2022?

Financial Post

Forecasting oil prices is a tough business at the best of times, but especially so when the COVID-19 pandemic continues to put consumer plans on hold, government policies are slowly dismantling the current global energy system and businesses are under a fog of uncertainty.

But one resistance level could offer a clue: US$72.4 per barrel. That’s the price Saudi Arabia needs to balance its budget in 2022, the International Monetary Fund estimates.

The Middle East kingdom has considerable influence over oil prices as the guiding spirit behind the 13-member Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Lately, Saudi Arabia and its allies have been in a power-sharing pact with Russia to stabilize the price of oil since its infamous plunge into negative territory in April 2020. The extended group, known as the OPEC+, has bandied together to drain excess inventories from the global energy system through quotas and curtailments.

Ontario locks down, again


Premier Doug Ford, in a press conference Monday, said that 1 per cent of people infected with the Omicron variant will need hospital care. New daily hospital admissions have reached “triple digits” in Ontario, he said. Given Omicron’s rapid spread, the government said it had to take action to slow the spread in order to protect the health-care system and the economy. The province reported 1,232 people hospitalized with COVID-19, with a total of 13,578 new COVID-19 cases on Monday. “We face a tsunami of new cases in the coming days and weeks,” Mr. Ford said. “Virtually everyone in this province will know someone who has been exposed to this virus. Now, we are bracing for impact.”

Niagara COVID-19 statistics tracker

Niagara COVID vaccination tracker

Free rapid COVID-19 testing kits are now available to businesses. Visit to learn more and reserve kits for your organization.

For information on rapid testing kits for individuals, click here.

Information on government grants, resources, and programs, policies, forms, and posters for download and use, are available here. The GNCC is here to support you. Contact us with any questions you have.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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