Chamber This Week – June 23, 2017

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Niagara College Convocation: Speakers inspire new grads to “dream big “

Two inspiring speakers, one top scholar, and 1,700 new graduates were in the spotlight on June 21 as Niagara College marked day two of its Spring Convocation Ceremonies.

 John Ferguson, president and CEO of Purolator Canada

John Ferguson, president and CEO of Purolator Canada

Graduates from the School of Business Management Studies, and School of Environmental and Horticultural Studies had an opportunity to hear from a Niagara success story John Ferguson, president and CEO of Purolator Canada, at the afternoon ceremony. Ferguson, who was born and raised in Fort Erie, told graduates it has been exactly 30 years since his own graduation.

“Thirty years ago, I was sitting exactly where you are now, with no idea that I would lead a company the size of Purolator,” he said. “If I can do this, it’s entirely possible that you will too.”

Ferguson shared guiding principles that he has learned throughout his career with the new grads.

“Class of 2017, you are starting your careers at such an exciting time. You have the education, the knowledge and the ability to do almost anything, anywhere in the world, in any industry,” he said. “Think big, be bold, create your networks, build relationships, stay true to your values, and don’t ever stop trying. Do this and amazing things will happen.”

Deborah Newman, former deputy minister, Ontario Public Service

Deborah Newman, former deputy minister, Ontario Public Service

At the morning ceremony, former deputy minister, Ontario Public Service, Deborah Newman, who is currently a distinguished visiting professor at Ryerson University, addressed new graduates from the School of Academic and Liberal Studies, and the School of Justice and Fitness Studies. She encouraged grads to “dream big,” sharing her own career journey, from the front lines of correctional services as a probation and parole officer, all the way up the ranks to the high office of deputy minister.

“Anything is possible if you have bold dreams, opportunity, passion and determination,” she said.

Her advice to the new graduates: treat others with kindness and compassion; be an agent for change by embracingdiversity and inclusion; and don’t shut out those who hold a different point of view that your own.

“Your education gives you more than knowledge. It gives you the power to improve your life and the lives of others,” she said.

Both guest speakers received an Honorary Bachelor of Applied Studies.

Paige MacPherson

Paige MacPherson

The College’s top student Paige MacPherson, who achieved a 97.86% grade-point average, received the prestigious Governor General’s Academic Medal during the morning ceremony. MacPherson, who graduated from the Police Foundations – Advanced Standing program said she was honoured to receive the award.

“I am so glad that I took the chance, overcame my fears of leaving good things behind and came out here to NC to further my goal of becoming a police officer. I found a place that was welcoming and a program that I was so interested in,” she said. “For me, that interest made all the difference in the world for being successful in my studies. My motivation helped me to engage fully in every aspect of my experience here at NC.”

View media release about Governor General’s Academic Award winner here:

2017 Spring Convocation Ceremonies

 This year’s convocation ceremonies have special significance as the College celebrates its 50th anniversary. More than 4,600 students will graduate from the College, during four days of ceremonies from June 20 to June 23 at the Welland Campus.

NC kicked off its Spring Convocation on June 20. Upcoming ceremonies will include a roster of distinguished speakers:

  • Sean Conway, visiting professor, Ryerson University, former Ontario minister of education, will receive an Honorary Bachelor of Applied Studies (June 22, 10 a.m.);
  • Derek McNally, executive vice president of Clinical Services, and a chief nursing executive at Niagara Health System, will receive an Honorary Diploma in Health Studies (June 22, 3 p.m.); and
  • Murray Brewster, CBC News, senior parliamentary defence and foreign policy writer, who is originally from Welland and graduated from NC in 1985, will receive a Distinguished Alumni Award (June 23, 10 a.m.).

View previous convocation releases:

Niagara College’s convocation ceremonies are streamed live at:

Currently celebrating its 50th year as a College of Applied Arts and Technology, NC is a leader in applied education and a key contributor to the economies of Niagara and Ontario. A regional college with global reach, NC offers more than 100 diploma, bachelor degree and advanced level programs.


Media inquiries, please contact:

 Susan McConnell
Media advisor
905-641-2252 x 4330
Cell: 905-933-6259



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Head of the Class: Top grad achieves 97.86% average, dreams of meaningful service

Paige MacPherson

Paige MacPherson

Paige MacPherson was determined to not let her dreams pass her by when she enrolled in Niagara College Police Foundations – Advanced Standing program last year.

When the 34 year old graduates on June 21, she will not only be a step closer to fulfilling her goal of becoming a police officer, she will achieve it at the top of her class.

With a 97.86% grade-point average, MacPherson will graduate with the most prestigious award a Canadian student can receive: The Governor General’s Academic Medal. The award is granted annually to the graduating student with the highest grade-point average at the College.

“Honestly, I was shocked when I received the call that I was being awarded the Governor General’s Academic Medal,” said MacPherson. “I worked hard to achieve that 97.857% and I feel proud and honoured to be singled out.”

She received the news by phone from Okanagan Falls, British Columbia where MacPherson – who is originally from St. Albert, Alberta – currently resides and works Oliver Parks and Recreation. She has been working in the field of parks and recreation for the past 12 years – beginning as a university student, then continuing after she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education in 2012.

“As more birthdays passed by, I started feeling that I needed to get moving if I was going to have the opportunity to have a long career and fulfill my lifelong goal of being a police officer,” she said.

“I have always wanted to serve in a meaningful way, to help people in any way I can if I have the ability to do so, and to have a positive impact and change on my community and those around me.”

She relocated to Niagara for the academic year specifically to pursue the College’s Police Foundations – Advanced Standing program, targeted to students who have university degrees.

MacPherson credits her success to the support she received from faculty, her peers and her close family – including ‘FaceTime dates’ with her nieces that remind her of “the most important things in life” – as well as her enthusiasm for the program.

“I have always been a good student but I believe I was able to succeed in the Police Foundations program because I was so passionate and focused to learn about policing,” she said.

She found being a college student was much different to what she previously experienced at university.

“This was the first time that I was completely engaged with the material and came to school completely focused on doing well and absorbing as much from the experience as I could,” she said. “I knew coming in that the faculty for the Police Foundations program would be experienced people with insight and knowledge of policing and they far exceeded any expectations I had.

“They were willing to answer questions, review exams, and to share stories imparting their knowledge and experience … they were willing to give time, which means a lot to me.”

Her days as a student aren’t over yet; MacPherson will begin Niagara College’s Advanced Law Enforcement and Investigations program in September.

The Governor General’s Academic Medal was established by Lord Dufferin, Canada’s third Governor General after Confederation to encourage academic excellence across the nation. They are awarded to the student graduating with the highest average from a high school, approved college or university program.

Niagara College will celebrate a record number of graduates – more than 4,600 –at its 2017 spring convocation ceremonies to be held from June 20 to 23 at the Welland Campus.  View Spring Convocation media release here:

Niagara College’s convocation ceremonies will be streamed live at

Currently celebrating its 50th year as a College of Applied Arts and Technology, NC is a leader in applied education and a key contributor to the economies of Niagara and Ontario. A regional college with global reach, NC offers more than 100 diploma, bachelor degree and advanced level programs.



Media inquiries, please contact:

Susan McConnell
Media advisor
905-641-2252 x 4330
Cell: 905-933-6259

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Chamber This Week – June 16, 2017

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St. Catharines moving forward with housing action plan

The City of St. Catharines is moving forward with a housing action plan to address affordable housing needs in the city.

On June 12 Council received a detailed report with 41 potential policy tools and actions the City can use to support affordable housing. The report comes after Mayor Sendzik made a commitment to address housing needs at his state of the city address in January and Council supported the need for a comprehensive report and action plan.

“Housing is one of the most pressing issues facing our city and it is critical that Council take a leadership role and do our part to support more quality, affordable housing,” said Mayor Sendzik. “As other cities are dealing with the same challenges, we know this will take leadership and a long-term commitment from Council and stakeholders. I look forward to working together with Council and the community to move forward on the priority items and continue to look at creative and innovative housing options for our city.”

The staff report is the first step in the creation of a Housing Action Plan for St. Catharines. Potential policy tools and options range from official plan amendments and zoning changes to development charges, expedited development applications and grants through the community improvement plan (CIP).

As outlined in the report, the next steps will include forming a working group to review the 41 action items and continue stakeholder consultations. Staff will report back to Council in the fall on policy amendments and new procedures to support the creation of more affordable housing in the city.

The housing action plan report is available for review and comment at Comments should be submitted


Mayor Walter Sendzik
905-688-5601 ext. 1540 (office)

Margaret Josipovic, Planner
905-688-5600 ext. 1723

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50th Anniversary sees record graduating class for NC’s Spring Convocation

More than 4,600 students will graduate at Niagara College’s 2017 Spring Convocation Ceremonies to be held June 20-23 at the Welland Campus.

This year’s ceremony takes on a special significance as NC joins all Ontario colleges in celebrating its 50th anniversary.

“Our Convocation ceremonies are the highlight of our academic year, and this spring they take on a very special significance as we celebrate this important milestone,” said Niagara College president Dan Patterson. “I can think of no greater example of our college’s evolution over the last half century than the Class of 2017 – a record number of graduates who will go on to drive key industries here in Niagara and around the world.”

Niagara College’s 2017 Graduates and their guests will be treated to convocation addresses from a variety of accomplished business and community leaders who will also receive special honours from the College in celebration of their achievements.

Tuesday, June 20

  • 3 p.m. : School of Hospitality, Tourism and Sport; Canadian Food and Wine Institute
    Speaker: Patrick Whalen is the director of The Global Tourism Institute at Niagara University. Whalen will receive an Honorary Diploma in Tourism Management.

Wednesday, June 21

  • 10 a.m.: Schools of Academic and Liberal Studies; Justice and Fitness Studies
    Speaker: Deborah Newman is a distinguished visiting professor, Ryerson University, and the former deputy minister in the Ontario Public Service. Newman will receive an Honorary Bachelor of Applied Studies.
  • 3 p.m. : Schools of Business and Management Studies; Environmental and Horticultural Studies
    Speaker: John Ferguson is the CEO and president of Purolator Courier, one of the largest shipping networks in Canada. Ferguson will be the recipient of an Honorary Bachelor of Applied Studies.

Thursday, June 22

  • 10 a.m.: School of Community Services
    Speaker: Sean Conway is a visiting professor, Ryerson University and a former Ontario minister of education. Conway will receive an Honorary Bachelor of Applied Studies.
  • 3 p.m: Schools of Allied Health Studies; Nursing and Personal Support Worker Studies
    Speaker: Derek McNally is the executive vice president of Clinical Services, as well as a chief nursing executive at Niagara Health System. McNally will receive an Honorary Diploma in Health Studies.

Friday, June 23

  • 10 a.m.: Schools of Media Studies; Technology Studies; Trades
    Speaker: Murray Brewster is an Ottawa-based correspondent for CBC News, where he works as a senior parliamentary defence and foreign policy writer. Brewster will be the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from Niagara College.

For those unable to attend, Niagara College’s convocation ceremonies can be streamed live at

Currently celebrating its 50th year as a College of Applied Arts and Technology, NC is a leader in applied education and a key contributor to the economies of Niagara and Ontario. A regional college with global reach, NC offers more than 100 diploma, bachelor degree and advanced level programs.


Media inquiries, please contact:

Susan McConnell
Media advisor
905-641-2252 x 4330
Cell: 905-933-6259

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Final hurdle for inter-municipal transit crossed

Niagara Region has the political will it needs to officially get into the bus business.

The Region not only received the triple majority it needed to officially take over transit service, support for the initiative was unanimous, said Regional chairman Alan Caslin.

While Niagara has operated inter-municipal buses for the past few years through a pilot project, he said a triple majority of support from regional council and lower-tier councils representing a majority of electors was required before the Region could become a true partner in providing transit services.

“Now, we’ve gone out to every single council and we’ve gotten unanimous support for inter-municipal transit,” Caslin said, adding the announcement was made during Thursday’s regional council meeting.

The unanimous support, he added, is a “strong message from all the municipalities in Niagara that transit’s important, and that’s what they want to see happen.”

“Bringing those services together into one commission is definitely going to make a difference in the transparency of ridership in being able to move from one bus to another, and hopefully that will translate onto the GO Train and whatever other transit that we can include.”

“The spirit’s there,” said Dave Sherlock, manager of St. Catharines Transit – the largest of the municipal bus services.

“The triple majority vote clears the way for the region to get into public transit business, and we as a commission have been supporting that throughout this process.”

He said it opens a door that has been in closed for years, “and restricted the ability to make a decision on expanding transit throughout Niagara.”

While the transition is underway, Sherlock said the managers of the three city bus systems – Welland and Niagara Falls have their own services – as well as regional staff are continuing to meet on a regular basis to try and find means to continue improving seamlessness between the various bus services.”

Caslin said the next step is to put in place a governance structure for the new regional transit system, as well as groups to “work through the final details with all three different transit systems and the Region at the table as to what that’s going to look like and how transit is going to be governed and operated in the coming years.”

Once the transition is complete, Caslin said people will be able to “move around anywhere in Niagara without having to have a car and you can do it with a one fare process.”

Original article:

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Chamber This Week – June 9, 2017

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Multi-Million Investment Project Underway at Casino Niagara

On June 2, Casino Niagara embarked on the next phase of an exciting $7 million investment that will deliver an elevated gaming and entertainment experience for all visitors. The current phase of the project focuses on a transformation of the second level into Niagara’s top destination for sports fans, food enthusiasts, entertainment seekers and loyal visitors. Completion is scheduled for the fall of this year.

Aligning with Casino Niagara’s promise to deliver “just plain more fun,” the project includes a $3.5 million spend on infrastructure and redesign for a fresh entertainment experience that greets visitors as they walk through the doors. An additional $3.5 million is being invested in technology and gaming, to offer guests the next generation of gaming. This new investment is in addition to recently completed projects on the Market Buffet, Gaming Floor, Players Advantage Club booth, new slot products and renovations to the Conservatory.

The investment in renovations and improvements is part of Casino Niagara’s plan to attract both loyal and new guests and keep business strong.“We are tremendously proud of Casino Niagara’s 20-year legacy in Niagara Falls and our continued promise to be a premier gaming destination,” said Richard Taylor, President, Niagara Casinos. “This investment demonstrates a commitment to always giving our visitors access to the best in entertainment, dining and gaming.”

The $7 million project will deliver new experiences for visitors. Highlights on what guests can look forward to include:

  • Niagara’s largest sports bar experience. From season openers to the playoffs, sports fans will always have the best seat in the house in the newly designed sports bar. The 275-seat venue located on the second level will showcase contemporary design, a 123-inch HD video screen, multiple new HDTVs and a winning menu.
  • New gaming technology that includes 250 slots and a new interactive gaming zone with Golden Tees, PlayStation 4 and Xbox consoles and immersive skill-based gaming.
  • The opening of a luxurious new Poker Room. The redesigned space includes more than 20 gaming tables and a new-elevated lounge experience.
The project will result in the temporary closure of level two beginning Monday, June 5.  During this time, Casino Niagara will remain open and will continue to offer exciting promotions, live music, gaming and weekly entertainment. Patrons are encouraged to find up-to-date information by, the Casino Niagara Facebook page (Facebook/casinoniagara), Twitter (@casinoniagara) or by calling 1-888-325-5788.
Visitors will still be able to access Casino Niagara through the Falls Avenue entrance and travel to level three via designated routes. Lucky’s Steakhouse, Quench Bar and the Sports Section will be closed. Breakfast lovers can still enjoy Quench’s breakfast menu from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Market Buffet. Perks Café remains open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. During construction, Associates will be reassigned to other locations within the facilities in time for the summer season.

About Casino Niagara

Operating since 1996, Casino Niagara offers non-stop excitement in the heart of Niagara Falls’ tourism district. The Casino features action-packed gaming, ongoing promotions, exciting tournaments and free live entertainment throughout the week. For more information, visit, call 1-888-325-5788, follow us on Twitter @casinoniagara or join us on Facebook/casinoniagara.

About Falls Management Company

Falls Management Company is a consortium of five firms, selected by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation to operate Casino Niagara and to finance, design, build and operate Fallsview Casino Resort.  Falls Management Company built Fallsview Casino Resort, on time and on budget, which the Province of Ontario then purchased. In its role of development and operation of the two casino projects in Canada, Falls Management Company creates prestigious, year-round tourist destinations, offering a full-range of amenities in addition to gaming activities. These facilities help to generate economic development, complement existing tourism infrastructure and expand Niagara’s tourist base.


For images, please visit Niagara Casinos’ Media Centre. For more information please contact:

Jennifer Ferguson
Director of Marketing Services, Niagara Casinos


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