Espresso Live: The 2024 Ontario Economic Report

Join our guest Simran Singh for an in-depth look at the 2024 Ontario Economic Report. Powered by Meridian Credit Union.

We will dive into:

• Findings from our Business Confidence Survey including businesses’ confidence in Ontario’s economic outlook, and confidence by sector and region.
• Ontario’s economic outlook including a commentary on macroeconomic indicators like inflation, unemployment, real GDP and regional economic growth.
• Path forward including recommendations from the report of actions needed to grow Ontario’s productive capacity.

The Ontario Economic Report is the province’s most comprehensive analysis of business confidence, policy priorities, and regional economic projections for the year ahead. The report features the latest business confidence numbers and economic projections and insights on key areas including mental health, climate and energy, labour, supply chains, and more. You can read the report here:

Senior Policy Analyst, Ontario Chamber of Commerce

CEO, Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce

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Daily Update: February 28

In this edition:

  • Siscoe delivers optimistic state of the city address
  • Conservatives vote for Liberal government bill banning replacement workers
  • Number of job vacancies holding steady for third consecutive month
  • Crown Point Video Joins eThereLIVE and Soundbox
  • City of Thorold seeks input on a new Strategic Plan
  • Number of women inventors growing at a faster pace than that of men inventors
  • Brock University to mark solar eclipse with free community event
  • University of Niagara Falls Canada earns national management accreditations
  • Focus on Climate

Siscoe delivers optimistic state of the city address

St. Catharines Mayor Mat Siscoe says writing a second state of the city speech was a very different process than the first.

The first speech a few months into the mayor’s role can be filled with “high minded rhetoric” and “wonderful ideals.”

By Year 2, there’s a record of accomplishment, but things have happened, events have transpired and decisions have been made which thrusts one into reality.

Click here to read more.

Click here to watch a video recording of the event.

Conservatives vote for Liberal government bill banning replacement workers

A Liberal government bill that would ban replacement workers from being used during strikes and lockouts at federally regulated workplaces is moving ahead after the House of Commons unanimously backed it Tuesday.

The legislation passed second reading with the support of the Opposition Conservatives. It was the first time the Tories took any position on the bill.

In a statement, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce called the vote “bad news for Canada, for Canadian families, and for Canadian workers.”

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Crown Point Video Joins eThereLIVE and Soundbox

Soundbox and eThereLIVE are proud to announce the acquisition of Crown Point Video. Crown Point Video has had the privilege of working with some of the premier sports organizations in the country including the Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL), Canadian Football League (CFL), Canadian Premier League (CPL), USPORTS, and Ontario University Athletics (OUA).

The resources of Soundbox, as a live audiovisual support company, also gives Crown Point Video clients the ability to elevate their in-person and/or on-camera experience with top-quality audio, lighting, staging, and more – all under one roof.

Click here to read more.

City of Thorold seeks input on a new Strategic Plan

The City of Thorold is seeking comments and suggestions from businesses and residents as the City develops its new Strategic Plan.

The new Strategic Plan will set a clear vision for the future and prioritize projects that are most important in the community over the next four years. The City is looking to the future and working collaboratively to position Thorold for future success.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to share their thoughts on key issues, community needs, and opportunities for improvement. The survey link is available on the City’s website at on the home page web banner.

Click here to read more.

Number of women inventors growing at a faster pace than that of men inventors

From 2005 to 2019, Canadian men inventors outnumbered women inventors, a new study has found, but the number of women inventors grew at a faster pace. Compared with men, women inventors were more likely to be younger (31.9% were younger than 35 years compared with 23.0% of men in 2019), a higher proportion of them were immigrants (44.3% compared with 34.2% of men in 2019) and they were more likely to “co-patent” (joint application for a patent). Women inventors were more heavily concentrated in large businesses, and a higher proportion worked in professional, scientific and technical services. The study also found that one-half of women inventors were repeat inventors, submitting more than one patent application over time.
Click here to read more.

Brock University to mark solar eclipse with free community event

The Niagara community is invited to join Brock University experts and special guests in celebrating a rare celestial spectacle.

On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse will take place over southern Ontario, with the moon passing between the Earth and the sun, blocking the sun completely and turning the sky dark enough to see the stars.

This rare astronomical event will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many. The last time a total solar eclipse occurred over Ontario was in 1979, and the next one won’t happen again over the province until 2099.

Click here to read more.

University of Niagara Falls Canada earns national management accreditations

University of Niagara Falls Canada (UNF) is thrilled to announce that two of its programs have earned national accreditation from a leading professional association.

UNF’s Master of Management (MM) and Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programs recently received Professional Accreditation from the National Committee for Management Accreditation (NCMA) through CIM | Chartered Managers Canada.

Click here to read more.

Did you know?

There are twenty thousand species of bee on earth. Seven make honey.

Focus on Climate

The outlook for Canada’s vertical farm sector

They were hailed as the next big thing in food: indoor vertical farms growing year-round crops using significantly less water, land and energy than farms in the great outdoors. Not only was this hightech solution more sustainable, vertical farms would also help feed the planet. Loads of hype and billions in venture capital investment later, the lights went out at many vertical farms.

Among those that ran into trouble were: Infarm, a Berlin-based startup that declared bankruptcy in major European markets in 2023; New Jersey’s AeroFarms, which declared bankruptcy last summer and emerged with a rebuilding plan; and Kentucky’s AppHarvest, which also joined the bankruptcy list in 2023.

Click here to read more.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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Lunch & Learn: Human Resources and Employee Compensation

Join us as we delve into the dynamic world of human resources and compensation, where we’ll explore essential strategies for optimizing your organization’s compensation practices. Discover how to effectively manage compensation to attract and retain top talent while aligning with your company’s objectives.

Powered by YMCA of Niagara

In this session, we’ll explore:

• 2024 Pay Trends Insight: Uncover pay raise dynamics and prepare your small business for the future.
• Elevate Compensation Strategy: Combine innovative total rewards and wage banding to showcase your package’s value. Learn to attract and retain top talent effectively.
• Salary Benchmarking Mastery: Ensure your pay practices are competitive and equitable with expert salary benchmarking techniques.

With your 5-Minute Financial Download from C.R. Smith Financial Services

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Talk Tuesdays

Talk Tuesdays, hosted by the Education Staff, give care partners a chance to get together and talk about practical methods for supporting a loved one who is living with dementia.

Each month we will present a new topic and by the end of the series you will:

– Feel more knowledgeable about dementia
– Know more about services that can help their family member and friends stay well
– Feel supported as a caregiver
– Feel more confident in your caregiving abilities

Register by calling our office at 905-687-3914 or visit us online at

Understanding Frontotemporal Dementia

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) brings progressive changes to personality, language, decision making, behaviour, and movement. Join us as we discuss:

– Types of Frontotemporal dementia
– Assessment and treatment
– Symptoms and supportive strategies

Register by calling our office at 905-687-3914 or visit us online at

Daily Update: February 15

In this edition:

  • Government of Ontario to ban road tolls, permanently freeze driver’s license fees
  • Regular GO Train service resumes at St. Catharines GO station
  • NotL Council reverses decision that blocked St. Davids project
  • Royal George Theatre in Niagara-on-the-Lake in need of rebuild
  • HOPA Ports celebrates expansion of P&H Milling / Parrish & Heimbecker facility
  • Motor vehicle industry slump leads manufacturing sales downturn
  • Residential, non-residential construction sectors both post slight uptick in December
  • Applications open for Foodpreneur Lab’s accelerator program for Black entrepreneurs
  • Trade Contractors Council demands federal construction secretariat
  • Brock raises awareness of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls
  • Focus on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Government of Ontario to ban road tolls, permanently freeze driver’s license fees

The Ontario government is introducing legislation that would, if passed, ban tolls on provincial highways. This ban would apply to the Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway once uploaded to the province, as well as the province’s 400-series highways.

The province is also proposing to make the current freeze on driver’s licence and Ontario Photo Card fees permanent through legislation, saving drivers an estimated $66 million over the next five years.

Click here to read more.

Regular GO Train service resumes at St. Catharines GO station

CN construction on the Seaway Bridge has been completed a week ahead of schedule, and regular GO Train service resumes today at St. Catharines GO station.

In January, CN Rail had temporarily limited access to St. Catharines GO for daily repairs on the Seaway bridge.

The repairs were orignally supposed to be finished on February 23rd, but work has already been completed.

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Royal George Theatre in Niagara-on-the-Lake in need of rebuild

The Royal George Theatre in Niagara-on-the-Lake is in need of a major facelift. The theatre, on Queen Street, was built in 1915, and is Shaw Festival’s second largest venue for its world-class performances.

Executive Director Tim Jennings wants to rebuild and upgrade the theatre to ensure its accessible for all, but yet keeps the look and feel of the historic building. The Shaw Festival is a major economic driver for the Niagara Region, pumping an estimated $240 million dollars each year into the local economy, beyond what is spent at Shaw.

Niagara Falls NDP MPP Wayne Gates is advocating for the theatre’s rebuild by sending a letter to the Minister of Tourism asking for support.

Click here to read more.

HOPA Ports celebrates expansion of P&H Milling Group / Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd. facility

Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority (HOPA Ports) congratulates P&H Milling Group and Parrish & Heimbecker Limited (P&H), a long-time port partner, on the announcement of a significant expansion of the company’s facility at the Port of Hamilton. This expansion underscores P&H’s commitment to serving Canadian agriculture producers and the needs of a booming Ontario baking industry.

The expansion will see P&H’s existing facility on Pier 10 in Hamilton grow with the construction of a new flour mill, the third mill at this location, with shovels in the ground this spring. Two new storage silos will also be added, dedicated to handling essential ingredients such as soymeal and distillers dried grains, as well as wheat for milling.

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Motor vehicle industry slump leads manufacturing sales downturn

Following a 1.5% increase in November, manufacturing sales fell 0.7% to $71.2 billion in December, mainly attributable to the motor vehicle industry group (-13.5%) as well as the chemical product subsector (-3.1%). Production of aerospace products and parts marked the largest increase, rising 10.6% to $2.5 billion in December.

Total sales in constant dollars edged down 0.1% in December, while the Industrial Product Price Index fell 1.5% in December.

Click here to read more.

Residential, non-residential construction sectors both post slight uptick in December

Investment in building construction edged up 0.3% month over month to $19.8 billion in December. The residential sector grew 0.3% to $13.8 billion, and investment in the non-residential sector rose 0.3% to $6.1 billion.

On a constant dollar basis (2017=100), investment in building construction was unchanged (+0.0%; +$5 million) at $12.2 billion in December.

Click here to read more.

Applications open for Foodpreneur Lab’s accelerator program for Black entrepreneurs

Foodpreneur Lab is looking for Black entrepreneurs in southwestern Ontario who are interested in starting or scaling a packaged food business. Applications are now open at until March 1, 2024, at 11:59 am ET. Applicants from Niagara region, and others, are eligible for support.

Information sessions for cohort four will be held in English on February 22, at 6:30 pm ET. Registration is available at The Government of Canada funds this project through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.

Click here to read more.

Trade Contractors Council demands federal construction secretariat

The National Trade Contractors Council of Canada (NTCCC) recently made a pre-budget submission to federal Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland calling for the formation of a federal construction secretariat or department.

This would be a dedicated entity to address ICI construction-specific issues, providing focused attention and resources.

The creation of a joint inter-departmental and industry advisory group could include representatives from relevant federal departments, industry stakeholders and provincial/municipal representation to examine ongoing infrastructure investment needs and plan for the expansion of labour and market capacity.

Click here to read more.

Brock raises awareness of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls as part of REDress Project

Brock’s Pond Inlet was filled to capacity Wednesday, Feb. 14 as the University community came together with a common goal: to honour and remember missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and Two Spirit people.

Hosted by the Office of the Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement and the Hadiya’dagénhahs First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Centre, the gathering was part of the REDress Project, an initiative that began as an art installation by Métis artist Jaime Black at the University of Winnipeg in 2011 to signify the loss of thousands of Indigenous women, girls and Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (2SLGTBQQIA) people to colonial violence.

Click here to read more.

Did you know?

Only 17% of Canadian small and medium-sized businesses are owned by women.

Focus on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

An employer’s duty of religious accommodation at work

One of your new employees shows up a few weeks in wearing a hijab (head covering scarf) and niqab (a veil that leaves the eyes unconcealed). Some other workers and a few customers express discomfort. What should you do?

Or an employee refuses to work on Saturdays because that’s when they celebrate their Sabbath. But business is rough and you’ve demanded that all hands be on deck for weekends. Do you have options?

Religious accommodation laws in Canada set some fairly rigid guidelines. Make sure you understand these before mistakably trampling on a staff member’s rights.

Click here to read more.

Through the Daily Updates, the GNCC aims to deliver important business news in a timely manner. We disseminate all news and information we feel will be important to businesses. Inclusion in the Daily Update is not an endorsement by the GNCC.

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3rd Annual Getaway Your Way Fundraiser Draw

Do you need a vacation? Do you need family fun time? Do you need a date night? Well, here’s your chance!
Tickets are $10 each OR 3 for $20 available online

Community Support Services of Niagara is holding their 3rd Annual Getaway Your Way Fundraising Raffle and we couldn’t be more excited.

Your support not only gives you a chance to “Getaway Your Way”, it also provides local senior and adults with disabilities support services which allow them to remain in their homes as long as possible with independence and dignity. We provide Meals on Wheels, grab bars to help prevent falls, security checks and friendly visits to combat loneliness, transportation to necessary medical appointments, social outings and more

Get your tickets today! Tell your friends! Support our local seniors!

Lunch & Learn: Human Resources and Employee Compensation

Join us as we delve into the dynamic world of human resources and compensation, where we’ll explore essential strategies for optimizing your organization’s compensation practices. Discover how to effectively manage compensation to attract and retain top talent while aligning with your company’s objectives.

Powered by YMCA of Niagara

In this session, you’ll learn:

Key principles for designing competitive compensation packages that attract top talent.
Strategies for aligning compensation with organizational goals and values.
Best practices for discussing compensation within your organization

With your 5-Minute Financial Download from C.R. Smith Financial Services